

The lost clan: Echoes of love- Chpt4 end
Chapter 4 - mother's wealth (continuation)

Erinma was full of anger when she saw Nkoli.
" What do you want?" She shouted angrily amidst tears. She accused Nkoli of causing her son harm. Ifeyinwa tried to mediate between her mother and Nkoli but to no avail.
" Get out of here! Now!" She screamed. Nkoli left Oke's house.
For the next two days, Nkoli came down with something. She didn't go outside and didn't talk much. Akpugo tried to find out what the problem was but Nkoli remained silent. Her silence scared her mother. Akpugo tried everything she could to cheer her up or to get her out of her bed but it failed. So she let her be.
On the third day, one of the servants called to Nkoli from outside the hut.
"Nkoli. The chief and elders want to speak with you" he announced
Nkoli promptly stood from her bed and came out of the hut. She then walked towards the thatched tent where the Chief usually met with his council. Two hefty warriors stood at the entrance of the tent. The council of chiefs were seated. Several young men stood in the midst of the tent, the others stood on the side. They listened to the chief scold them.
" You are cowards!" He screamed.
There were five young men. The...