

Frozen Hell | 4.6
Demosa took me. "We only want that girl," the brothers said.
Prometheus suddenly stood up. "I won't let you even touch her!! That girl hasn't experienced many things in her life! She has to live with all her heart!"

The men grinned. "That girl is completely frozen. She is very cold. How can you say such a thing with such confidence?"

They were telling the truth... But with Prometheus' words, I felt a strange warmth inside me. However... did I really want to live that much?...
No, I didn't want to, but...
Because of my father, my mother, because of Demosa I had to live.
I promised I had promised Demosa and I had to live.
At that moment, Prometheus' hands glowed and fire came out of them.
The fires flowed towards the men. The men retreated.
Prometheus said: "I won't let you even touch it!" The men stepped back and said, "Alright. We're not going to fight right now. We'll tell the queen about your stupidity. See you later."
The men left. Prometheus was clearly shocked. Demosa wrapped her arms around me.
Prometheus immediately turned back, "It's not safe here anymore! We're leaving now!"
© Mehraban.K.T