

Survival of the Fittest
The power outage had plunged the city into darkness. We all knew what darkness meant those days. Behemoths roamed the streets during night, hunting for meat. UV lights and automated turrets were the only protection we had against these foul beings. If the power hadn’t come back in an hour, the power backup would have failed and it would mean certain death for the survivors.

“I don’t think this is a normal power outage. Someone has to check it out. Who’s coming with me?” Micheal had asked.

There had been six of us in the room and I could remember only two hands that went up. A blind man and an old woman, hardly the people one wanted on a mission. Hesitantly, I had put my hands up as well. I still remember the look of disappointment on his face. Who could blame him, when you had to choose between a blind man, an old woman and a cripple?

“Alright, you’re coming with me, I only need one companion,” he had said pointing towards me.

I sometimes wonder if I had sentenced my friends to death when I raised my hands that night. The mission was a success and we had managed to restart the generators at the plant, but things hadn’t gone so well at the base. A pack of behemoths had managed to get inside the base. Without the automated turrets to stop them, they slaughtered the survivors in the base, leaving not one soul alive. Micheal and I were left as the sole survivors. A cancer patient and a cripple. So much for "Survival of the Fittest".
© Shine_Ali