

Tick tock
Tick Tock! Tick Tock! The clock goes.

The ticking rings in your ears like a warning bell, it could make you scream!

“I should be there.”

“Why aren’t I there?”

“That is where I should be!” You say to yourself all perplexed.

But, easy does it. Yes I understand, you feel time is flying fast and you’re so far behind.

But, do you know that time can be still?

Yes, time can be still for those who go with the flow.

Yes, you’re not where you feel you should be, but that’s no fault of yours.

So why don’t you just go with the flow and enjoy where you are now?

Make the best of any situation you find yourself! Don’t hold back, don’t feel bad, just make the most of it and enjoy it!

Then you’ll see, time won’t be so quick, because you won’t even notice it go by anymore, as you enjoy your new found world.

© Erinma

#time #inspirational #confidence #selfconfidence