

A forest with tranquility
A man had a house on the grassland who dwelt there. He had no desire or passion for living in the city.. Because he wanted a calm and peaceful life away from all the tension and stress. One day, He was grazing his cattle and horses. He saw a little goat bleating at him and then it ran..The man was chasing it as he understood why that goat was bleating. after few miles away, He saw a forest which was looking so attractive. The goat stopped by the tree and that man saw its baby injured. He carried the baby and took it to his home to treat its injuries by an aid. After his work got finished, The baby rest there until it would get recovered and its mother was waiting there. after few weeks, Its injuries got recovered and that baby goat was freed.
That man was wondering about the forest he saw it. He took his cycle and reached to the forest at 7am. It wasn't a dense forest but the sunlight was spreading around the trees and it made the forest so marvelous. When that man was wandering around that forest, He found that there wasn't any wild animal around. That's why the forest was really peaceful. he even saw some flowers blooming and different types of fruits from the trees. Once he went too deep inside the forest, he saw some strawberries growing around there which was like an enchantment of Nature. That man liked the forest of its tranquility and how there were some resources which kind of be useful for him. He appreciated the miracle of the nature and its beauty with peace. Even though he got a wonderful place to spend his time on there.