

It is a part of my travelling when i was met a beautiful charming girl.Really it was so nice day. Let me tell you more...
i was traveling in "3AC" coach and i was at delhi station in DELHI TO PUNE train. i was sat on my berth sudden she came and sat on same berth.She was alone aprox 22 year's i saw little to her by sidelong, i felt she was also looking me by her sidelong.
After sometime she asked me hey' which is your berth? Submissively i told her, ya that seat on which you have sat its my temporary birth till my destination thats all. She was smiling and asked me can you please exchange your seat with its front middle ? I was full of confussion but i said to her slowly unwillingly yes sure, why not!
She lot of thanking me and i was smiling to seeing her happiness. I was thinking and asked byself that, wow thats great, can exchanges of a berth gives us hapiness?
answer~ yes why not.
Again we continue talking about our destinations and injoying together with a packet of LAY'S CHIPS.
we were continue talking about ourselves, family and so on......
we both ordered biryaani in dinner.
After taking our dinner we went to sleep on our exchange berths but no one slept all night.😂
we both seeing each other full 🌃 night continue, at that time i was starting feel amazing love. Really i was my love at first sight. I dont know she was feeling or not, but i said to her I LOVE YOU in gasticulation during seeing into her lovely eyes in midnight without thinking anything. Suddenly she hint me LOVE YOU TOO. that time i was shocked but too happy to know that she felt love also. After whole night in morning we both were smiling 🥰 and went for brushing our teeth together after teething when there were no one thereside of basin she fastly kissed🥰me and run away to there berth.I was totally shocked and stad for few minutes, because of my little shiness i was fearing to go thereside my own berth yet i went thereside and sat on my own berth where she sat.
To be continue........
in 2nd part.

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