


For college students and young entrepreneurs.

Gaining mastery in the ever changing world of marketing takes time and innovation.

But still and always will be the main and most important thing in developing a successful business is contacts and influence.

The individuals with the most influential contacts always end up in the top 2-5 percent of any business or profession.

The benchmark number for any business is ten thousand. It takes ten thousand hours of studying to get your PHD in any subject. It takes ten thousand of studying to gain mastery in any sporting endeavor.

In other words to be in the top 2-5 percent of any professional sport regardless of your gifts and talent you would still have to do ten thousand hours of hard and difficult training.

So your goal is to get ten thousand names, phone numbers and email addresses of individuals that you can influence.

just imagine having an email list of over ten thousand individuals before you graduate college. Do you think that after you graduate college your business would fail? Not only would it not fail you would succed beyond your wildest imagine. Some major successful companies do not have a mailing list of ten thousand people.

When you get a thousand influential contacts. You will be well on your way to be an automatic millionaire, but being a millionaire in today's world, with the technology that is available now is not hard.

Some people are becoming millionaires without even knowing that they would become millionaires by simply buying the right stocks, crypto currency and start ups at the right time.

Here is the edge that you are looking for.
Your goal is ten thousand names phone numbers and email addresses. While you are in college or long, long before you start your new venture.

And it is not hard, if that is the only thing you are focusing on other than getting your degree or improving on your skills.

The first set of names, phone numbers and email addresses that you must have at the top of your list are those of leaders like your self. The captain of the basketball teams male and female, the captain of the soccer teams male and female, the captain and leaders on the field of every sporting, sorority, auxiliary group and activities at your disposal.

You do not want to wait until your first week on the job and the boss tells you to get some names and phone numbers of individuals that you know.

And when you do start your business. The worst thing you could ever do is buy leeds from a company that sells the same list to everyone.

For the fact that you take the time out to read this far shows that you are a natural leader, so getting the best of the best contact information will not be that difficult for you.

Here's what we do not know and here's what we do know. Somewhere in that ten thousand contacts there is a future president, somewhere in that ten thousand contacts there are future billionaires with excellent ideas that will help you and them along the way.
Who they are we don't know but they are there for sure. treat them all like valued treasure.

Once you have these individuals, the brightest of the brightest and if only 2 percent of these college educated hungry-for-success students buy into your business. You will be well on your way to developing the billionaire mindset.

This is the strategy Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller used.

They recruited the best of the best students that they could find and led them like sheep to the slaughter house of success and became the richest men in the history of the big country.
With the technology that is available now, you can do the same or even better.

And in the near future many will surpass what they did. Will you be one of them? I believe that you will.

The best place to start is with individuals who will be between eighteen and twenty one years old in the next two to five years.

The next best place to start is with those who are going to be between twenty one and twenty five years old over the same period of time.

You do not need any body older than that because individuals over twenty five already knows everything.

Do not waste your valuable time teaching old dogs new tricks. When there are so many puppies around.

Somewhere in that ten thousand contacts there are some who are way, way smarter than you. And guess what they are going to think that you were their mentor when it was the other way around. Ah ah ah. Aren't you happy? Those are the ones you want in your business.

Usually only between 2-5 percent of those you are able to influence stays with you for the long term. So you don't want 2-5 percent of a couple hundred individuals which most people do.
You are at one of the top universities to influence thousands of young minds.
These contacts should not at all include any you met on any social media platform.

Those you met on Facebook belongs to Facebook. build your own.

Most importantly I know that somewhere between you getting towards your goal of ten thousand contacts. You are going to come across many, many great ideas, innovations and systems. learn all that you possible can but do not get stuck in any. Ride them for all they are worth but keep on looking for better.

systems do become irrelevant over time. Perfect example Black Berry, Nokia, Kodak, zerox, IBM, Myspace, Polaroid, Motorola some of these companies may recover, we do not know.

Keep on looking for the most creative persons you can possibly find for your business.

If you get ten thousand names phone numbers and email addresses that have access to you and visa very long before you decide to run for office. Your seat in the Senate is safe.

This information is taken from chapter seven of my latest book.


By yours truly Michael Truman.