

How do you know there are no real aliens, Daddy?
Johnny was four years old. He and his dad watched various Star Wars movies, including The Mandalorian, which was the newest one. Johnny's dad said, "Don't worry, there are no real aliens." Johnny asked, "How do you know there are no real aliens, Daddy?" Dad said, "Let's go to bed, it's late." Dad and Johnny went to bed. Someone was outside Johnny's window. Johnny went to see who it was. A cute robot with black antennas on his head, gold hair black synthetic skin on his face and a red body looked in. His cheeks glowed, so Johnny could see the robot had brown eyes. Johnny wanted to ask Daddy to open the window. He remembered Daddy was in bed, so he snuck out of the house; he went out the back door and quietly closed it. The robot came around the house because he heard Johnny. He looked worried. He asked, "Do you always sneak out?" Johnny said, "No...I came out because you were at my window, glowing! I can't open the window, it's too heavy. I didn't want to wake Daddy, so I came alone." The robot explained why his face glowed. Johnny said, "Girls would touch your touch sensors in your face! Stupid girls! They don't realize that can attract attention to you." The robot said, "Exactly. I get this all the time. I try to sneak away and hide, but they find me." Girls came; they said, "Danny!" Danny the robot said, "Hi girls." The girls activated Danny's touch sensors by pinching his cheeks. Johnny said, "Danny doesn't like a lot of attention." The girls knew this, but they didn't care. They thought he was cute. The girls' mother came out. She had brown hair like her girls. Her skin was green and her eyes slanted up; they were black. The mother wore a silver jumpsuit. The girls matched their mother, but ranged in age from four to nine years of age. She yelled, "Danny! Stop sneaking away. Everyone back to the ship, now!" When she said this, Danny couldn't understand her. She spoke in her language. In English, the lady said, "Young man, get in your house and get to bed!" Everyone went to their ship and Johnny went to his room. Before going to sleep, Johnny said, "There are real aliens. Daddy doesn't know anything!"