

Reunion Story
Reunion Story

"So it's decided then, ok?"
"OK then, see you tomorrow at 5 in the evening, at the Paradise Bar."
Four school friends Adam, William, Harry and Jacob were going to have a reunion after a long period of 20 years.
After the end of their High School, they parted ways and went on their own career paths.
All these years they've been in touch through phone calls. But tomorrow was the day when for the first time in the past 20 years they were going to meet in person.
This surely was going to be fun! Atleast they thought so.

"Hey Harry, I'm outside. Come out fast. Or we are gonna be late." said Jacob.
"Yeah J, just coming! Hang up!" said Harry.
From there Harry amd Jacob went together to the Paradise Bar where Adam and William were waiting for them.
"Look Willy, whose in the house man!" said Adam and got up to greet Harry and Jacob.
"Finally you are here guys, Hey Harry! Hi J!" said William.
"Hey wassup guys!" said J and Harry.
And all of them got seated.
"It's been so long man." said Adam.
"So long? It's been a hell much long!" said J.
And everyone laughed.
"Let's get the drinks first, what you say?"said William and waved the waiter who after a few minutes got them their ordered drinks.
" Cheers to the Reunion guys! "said Adam and raised his glass.
" Cheers! "everyone else joined and laughed.

" So how's work going William? Are you still working under the same law firm? "asked Harry.
" Well, yes. But now is the time to change the firm. I was planning this for quite time and now that I've finally made the decision I am going to resign next week. "answered William.
" Any specific reason? "asked J
" Everything's fine, except the over - overload. Family comes first, you know. "said William.
" Speaking of family, how are you doing Harry? I mean about your.. divorce? Are you fine now? "asked Adam.
" Well.. Yeah.. I am slowly getting used to it. "said Harry with a sad smirk" And now that my comic is also doing a bit good, so I have got busy there also. So, yeah.. I am managing somehow. "
" Don't worry, it will take time, but you'll be fine. "comforted William.
" But why did you two split up, so suddenly? It was something out of the blue for me! I was so happy for you guys on your wedding day! Of only you two could also be there, it was such a lovely day! "asked J.
" She had her reasons.
Let it be. Let's just not ruin our evening with this depressing topic. "said Harry.
" Yes you are right. I am sorry Harry. "said Jo.
" Cmon J! There's nothing to be sorry about. Cheer up! "said Harry.
" And what about you J? How's life going? "asked Adam.
" It's fine. Pretty good actually. Giving online English classes suited me, kids and Rhea well. They are in the same school so there is nothing really much to worry about. I must say, I am at peace."answered J.
" Good for you! I am happy that you left your previous teaching job. It seemed to be quite hectic to me! "said Harry.
" Ah! What a hell that was! "sighed Jacob.

" And now Mr. Adam. Our dedicated news reporter. What's spicy these days? "asked William.
" Nothing much guys. Just the same news. Sometimes it's so boring when you can't find anything new, and over that, troublesome also! You know how reporters work. "answered Adam.
" Yeah we can understand that. "said Harry.
" Do you, by any chance, know anything about Peter Hans? "asked William.
" Hans, who? "asked J.
" CEO of The Hans Corp., Peter Hans. "answered William.
" What about him? "asked Harry.
" Someone has brought a lawsuit against his company saying that he's been wrong done by an employee. "answered William.
" Oh yes! Peter Hans! Don't you remember him guys?" asked Adam.
" Is he someone we all know? "asked J
" Of course he is! Don't you remember the guy whom everyone used to call Mr. Everything! "exclaimed Adam.
" Oh! Mr. Everything! The guy who was best at almost everything in school! "said Harry.
" Ookk. I never knew his real name. "said J.
" Me too! "said William.
" And he is still the best. Mr. CEO! Great! "said Harry.
" But you guys know what, this Mr. Best has also got a little flaw. After all, we are all humans. "said Adam.
" Like what? Is he a sadist? "asked J
" Cmon J! Not this man! "shouted Adam.
" Then what? "asked William.
" He got married a few months ago. And sources say that it is a divorcee. "said Adam.
" So what's the big deal? Hah! "said J
" It is! What took him so long to get married! "exclaimed William.
" Oh shut up Willy! That's not wierd at all! "shouted Adam.
" Then please shed some more light Mr. Reporter. "said Harry.
" See. He's a Page 3 guy. So even if he is pricked by a needle, it's a big news. Ok? And they say that Peter made that woman to get divorced. You know alluring her, things like that."said Adam.

" I still don't get what's the big deal here again? "said J.
" Dear Mr. Jacob. It's a Page 3 guy. So it IS a big deal! It's latest because our newly married couple is posting pics from their honey-honeymoon. Big old guys! "said Adam.
" I can understand about our Mr. Best but is this woman really this much pretty that he made her get divorced? I am suddenly curious! "asked William.
" Oh wait! Let me show you guys some pics and you decide by yourself then. OK? "said Adam and started looking for the pictures in his mobile.
" Look here it is! "said Adam showing the picture to William.
" Guys seriously! Now we're talking about some random guy's private life! Whyyyy? "shouted Jacob.
" Hey! It's William who started! Don't blame me! "said Adam.
" She really IS beautiful! Lucky Mr. Best! Here, see. "said William and showed the picture to Jacob.

" This.... "Jacob was suddenly startled and became speechless.
" What? Do you know her? "asked Adam.
" Show me. "said Harry.
And as soon as he saw the picture, his face became pale.
" She's Harry's ex-wife. " said Jacob.

The End
