

The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember making any painting! I was so drowzy at night after making several paintings that I couldn't kept my eyes open. My circumstances were not good. My dream was to become a popular painter and here I was not even able to paint a simple leaf with colours. I was good with sketches but colours often confused me and I every time diffuse them from the outline while painting. Therefore my paintings usually seemed as thrash.

Even though, I was well aware of my flaws, infatuated by the 'prize money' I hurrily got my name written for the painting competition. The competition was held between 'renowned' painters vs. 'anonymous' painters. Of course, I wasn't popular so I filled the form of 'anonymous' painter. Even when I clearly know that I can't even paint a small leaf! But the prize money was so big...ONE LAKH RUPEES. And a golden chance to become 'popular' among the town. How could I miss it. The deadline was Monday morning at around 8 O'clock. I wanted to take a chance so I determined to participate in the painting competition.

On Sunday morning, I started to paint with various colours to make a unique masterpiece but as my luck was down, I coludn't even held the paint brush properly. I knew that my competition was too much tough as various 'renowned' painters were going to be my compitetor whereas I couldn't even make a leaf! My luck was down with painting. I didn't even got up from my seat. I painted and painted but all was in vain. But I didn't stopped until my hands started trembling and aching severly.

I was despondent as all my determination and courage started falling apart. I became unenthusiastic as it was evening outside. I began to give up the hope of winning and fulfilling my dream. All my desires were crumbling and I was falling apart bit by bit. I sighed heavily and went outside for a little walk.

On my way, I saw a little child who was trying to fix his torned paper boat with whole concentration. I told him," Hey kiddo!! why are you trying to fix this deteriorated paper boat? Why don't you make a new boat? There are so many cheap papers in the market, I can buy one for you if you want me to."
But the boy said," What will I earn by buying a new paper? I am having so much fun while fixing it and it is satisfying me. It is not always necessary that only a brand new thing can give you the pleasure! Sometime broken and deteriorating things can also satisfy your mind and fixing them will give you utter pleasure."And after that he fixed that torned boat and started playing with it.

I saw him playing happily, suddenly a thought struck into my mind. I thought about my painting, my ambitions and about my greediness. How much greedy I had been to gain popularity. I didn't even thought about my 'poor painting skills' and got my name written into the competition just in order to gain some money. How can I be this crazy? I gained the enlightenment by that little innocent child. I started to think I will take participate in the competition. This time not for money but to gain pleasure, to learn from others and to saw my real worth. Even if I will not win, I will try consistantly until I reach to my goal. I will try until I win. But without any greed or anger. I will accept whatever the result would be and I will work harder to improve myself.

Thinking that, I returned to my house and started painting again. This time I was more focused. I made various paintings and I found out that my colouring style was improving a little bit. This thing gave me a hope and encouragement. I kept painting and painting until my eyelids started closing. Suddenly I fall in sleep while painting.

When I woke up at the morning, I looked at my painting. It was lying in my hand, looking like a beautiful masterpiece. I rubbed my eyes and looked at it again. I found a beautiful YELLOW LEAF with black outline and rounded edges painted on it. It was shining bright on the white page.It was a true MASTERPIECE. I was shocked to see such a marvelous painting. I wondered how I made it. Suddenly I remembered that before paintining the leaf, I made a sketch on the paper and then started painting cautiously. And after that I slowly drifted to sleep. Then I looked at time. It was 7O' clock. I dressed neatly and packed my painting in a paper and strated to the 'Carol Paints Corporation' building where the competition was held.

I arrived there on time. I was nervous. There were many painters around me. When I looked at their paintings, I was awestruck. They had made beautiful sceneries with vibrant colours. The judges took our paintings and started analysing them. I was becoming anxious. Then I began to think about the last evening. I smiled at myself and became more determined. I was ready for every type of result.

After an hour, judges declared the results.... I kept my eyes shut
,to my wonder I won the PRIZE. I couldn't believe in myself. My legs were paralysed when I was asked to come up on the stage. But somehow I gathered the strength and reached the stage. They gave me prize money asked me to give a little speech. I started, " Hello friends. I am Nile Vorenski. I know you don't know me, because I am an 'anonymous' painter. To your surprise, I don't exactly know how to paint. But last evening I got such inspiration that I was able to won this prize. Now some of you may thought, why did I painted a leaf and what's the meaning behind it because yellow leaf is considered as symbol of sadness. But in reality, the colour yellow has stood for wisdom and intellect throught the ages. This allows us to sprout new ideas, new skills and fulfill us with energy, positivity, enthusiasm and happiness. I painted a yellowish leaf to encourage our spirituality and productivity. I painted it because I learnt from someone: It is not necessary that only brand new things can make us happy but sometime old things can also give us great pleasure and satisfaction." The hall echoed with thunderous applause and I thanked everyone for supporting my tiny speech.
