

"look at this book, anyone who gets it will have a lot of power" the black huge looking man said while pointing to an old book " really wait a minute, I know you ask for something in return" the young American boy asked. They were in a warestore "yes" the huge man answered. He pointed at a group of people and said "I want you're family" the young boy looked terrified "for what" he asked "for some sacrifices, now choose thus book that will give you all the greatness in the world or your family" "ummm umm"the boy stammered as he looked at the book and smiled as he was about to say his answer he turned back and looked at his family, his mother crying and holding his dad, while his sister was looking at him with watery beautiful blue eyes. He looked sad and said at the huge man"no matter what greatness that book holds it will never be better than my whole family "he said and ran to hug his sister" you've said your answer boy now you lose your book " the huge man said and dissapeared" you had to lose that whole treasure just for us " the sister asked wiping her tears" I would do anything for you guys, you're the best " he replied and hugged his sister then the whole family hugged each other and lived happily ever😊

I cry when writing this story, I hope you guys get your lesson, whatever thing you're promised and it involves your family,just forget about it because having a wonderful family it's the best that has happened for an individual ~Godsmercy