

macabre tales: the begginning part1
alcony: and where is the magician?
Rebecca: we came to his house, cut off his neck, hands , fingers and even nails. and began to make a statue , looks like horrific.
alcony: oh, can I see that?
Stafford: oh , yes.
( she carried the statue and kept in front of alcony. )
here, you go.
alcony: oh... my... life! I never saw such a horrible statue . it was such a cruel punishment for him. Then, what about his remaining.
Rebecca: ( laughs) we cut it into rubik's cube size pieces and throws it into forest, for the hungry wolfs to eat.
They must having a glorious meal
( Stafford laughs at her joke ).
alcony: wow, such a strong friendship of you both .
Stafford: "blood is thicker than water " .
alcony: then what do you eat ?
Rebecca: lemons every day.
alcony: oh... my... how can u eat that .
Stafford: we have an obsession of consuming
citric acid. ( stop playing violin)

alcony: oh... I.. see .. ( gasps)

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