

Betrayed by love

He never loved , never cared . It was the only thing destroying his Happy ever after . That mistake he made with the woman who loved him to keep his own inside her womb , she was married but yet her love for him was so strong it over powered reality itself.

The good news came to his ears, while he was in bed with his lover "Honey I'm pregnant" with her shallow sweet voice, showing her dimples , she smiled at him .
"what ?"he said , as he jumped off the bed ' "this is a sin, this is a sin" he said repeatedly . "we have sinned ," we are sinners" That thing inside you is a curse get rid of it"
But the woman's love was deep , pure and fruitful children are a gift from God, her growing baby was never a curse . She believed .

He wanted nothing to do with her , Tony the man she loved , Selfish Tony went back to his wife leaving her to face the shame.
Her Husband was a loving man but this betrayal even for a good heart it was hard to handle . How could she " Have I failed her little heart that she did such , what of my name , my respectful name" He wondered ." They will talk as they're the newsmonger of the town" . As he thought out loud .
He was not going to let his wife go through all that shame . He took responsibility of the unborn Moonlight butterfly . "I will give her my name , she is my own now " He said telling his wife

To be continued...........
© Eliswa