Whenever you get with someone the reasons could be for anything. They might look good to you or you just want to have sex with them. Some just want to be together you know.There's million of reasons to want to be with another person.
I just straight up like to be with Nick. We sat around until lunch time talking about the usual do's,don'ts
and wants. After we ate he went out to the car porch packing his truck with boxes to take to storage. He was working but I thought that I should cram a week in two days. Hell I already slept with the man I mean I got in his bed and went to sleep. I went in made us some tea an excuse for his time on me.
He was standing by his truck with the driver door open, when do you leave this time I asked? This time?
His eyes fell in mine as I kept connection he smiled. Not answering he stepped over to where I was leaning against a post. His hand found mine. He leaned in allowing our lips and tongue to just slightly touch.
A kiss like that makes you think. I'm doing everything not to get in too deep. Nick the man you show kinda push me to wanna just let go. What...
I just straight up like to be with Nick. We sat around until lunch time talking about the usual do's,don'ts
and wants. After we ate he went out to the car porch packing his truck with boxes to take to storage. He was working but I thought that I should cram a week in two days. Hell I already slept with the man I mean I got in his bed and went to sleep. I went in made us some tea an excuse for his time on me.
He was standing by his truck with the driver door open, when do you leave this time I asked? This time?
His eyes fell in mine as I kept connection he smiled. Not answering he stepped over to where I was leaning against a post. His hand found mine. He leaned in allowing our lips and tongue to just slightly touch.
A kiss like that makes you think. I'm doing everything not to get in too deep. Nick the man you show kinda push me to wanna just let go. What...