


For so long Nakamagambo had been known for its speciality in academic growth...Education was the key...it had made this place a better place to be...each and every adversery had wanted their child to go to school...mama maziri was not left on the deal ...she had struggled hard to take maziri her daughter to school...maziri on the other side could not disregard this effort...she tirelessly set the best foot forward despite the demise of her daddy....at an age of 14 ,she was already done with her high school studies where she gave the best and was ready to proceed to the university of havard...she could have been among the few young people in her village to fly....how meticulous this could be...very few people took this fact seriously..."how can this people who live by luck fly abroad...it's a bear lie" mzee walupe could be heard contemplating..he had for so long believed that no one else could be as prosperous as him
on maziri's side , she absolutely knew that Nakamagambo needed tremendous change...from her point of understanding Nakamagambo had not yet flourished .... mama maziri on the other side was overwhelmed with "will my daughter be like other young people who get entangled into the western system and fail to think of what they are chasing?"Though tears of Joy kept on streaming down .....she was worried of the many ugly things that happen to young Africans who find there way abroad.remminiscense of students who died on the basis of racial segregation kept own disturbing her......This night just like any other but a little more unique, Maziri could not have a nap...all her thoughts were centered on the other day ...the day when she would officially take a flight to the United kingdom,,,,she could not wait to land in the great London..... everything had been put in place for the day... morning came earlier than before...the overwhelmed maziri was clad in her gorgeous apparels ....the family pastor came to shower her with blessings before her departure...mama maziri was the happiest woman thatmorning mzee walupe and other villagers who were gathered outside could not believe their eyes....Mr walupe kept on insisting that maziri would end up being a pauper like her predicessors....all in all the deal was sealed....after long session of advices,emotions and encouragements...she set on for the long unfortold journey.....this morning the long towers of the jomo Kenyatta international airport that stood tall and proud in the streets of kisumu town....there glassy walls shimmering in the early morning glamour...they were arguably the tallest and the most magnificent buildings in the city..their majestic splendour seemed to spread to the well manicured lawn,the posh flower garden down the marble statues that guarded the entrance making the adjacent buildings pale in comparison....."so delightful" Maziri's seraphic voice snapped each kin from their reverie as they walked towards the port with an aura of legends.they were totally ensnared.... Maziri's tremendous beauty was loud..she wore a delectable dress that perfectly fitted her silhouette.Bunches on her head dangled rhymically as stilletoes on her feet squeaked...pink pedicure matched with the purple lipstick which completed her allure, indeed everything about her yelled royalty that the young men around were left dilapidated.as soon as she walked into that architectural masterpiece her flight was ready...after bidding her loved ones a fancy goodbye,she was set on for the journey.....she had never been in such a place before..any keen passenger would notice her enthusiasm from the way she appeared....Her beauty apparently caught the eyes of sesele...a young handsome man probably 21years of age...he had a Mohican cut and scythe_shaped eyebrows.His Roman nose and half dome cheekbones set abovran oaken jaw.his adventurous personality and bass voice were a big part of his ambitious character....".Hi pretty lady!"his appalling voice stole Maziri's attention..."my...my...ok...Iam sesele...and you?"Maziri felt like she could soak in all that sesele was and still be right there... demanding for more.."was it an infatuation????"..she thought critically..."but one look into my eyes,and I surrendered to this infuation..."sesele muttered affectionately..."There is away of seeing a person with intuition,with the eye of the soul rather than a casual glance...this infatuation.this obsession ,it is the internal fire l have been seeking all my days"sesele completed affectionately,,,it is often said that figuring out women is close to impossible ,all their signs are obvious yet unbelievably subtle but for sesele's case he could read from Maziri who was fidgeting,blushing and smiling uncontrollably."we are almost at the destination,"this were the words of a humble tone that came from the cabin which snapped this love birds from their rhapsody.Maziri could now see London in reality...dreams had come true,,,how tremendous this was,,,,she was deeply elated and honoured as she alighted at that particular juncture.she felt humbled as she got into the british made four wheel automobile sent by the great British ambassadors.sesele watched this blossomed figure going away but he was definitely sure that one day they would meet again...actions speak louder than words and love has always been thicker than blood,,,,this famous phrases assured sesele that one day fate would bring them together.as she went down the streets of London city she had lots of optimism in her, how jubilant it would be staying around with people who had been in a schorlaly field and polymaths as she was.for so long she had heard and read different aspects about London .london means different things to different people .a home to some,a tourist destination to others and to others still a business spot . as she moved down to the great Havard,she enjoyed the breathtakingly beautiful London ,the severe skies filled with soft puffs of clouds that cloak the majestic sun,the gorgeous trees slumping with the burden of saying goodbye to the leaves that held onto them for seasons.the Gates of the Great Havard were set in a pragmatic and artistic way, It is said that when locked ,the gates provide security and intimacy.But then there is the beauty ;a bold H nestled into the iron ;metal leaves entangled with gold ;sinous Vines and ivies often cling to the gates ,moving the wind.
When maziri set her feet in the great Havard, she was struck by how extraordinarily "put together" everyone seemed, in every sense; Aesthetically, academically, extracurricularly people seemed to have a place and a direction and a sense of how to present themselves to themselves and to their peers and professors. Many people seemed to be experts and spokespeople for particular causes, everyone impressive in some regard. Expert-amateur sculptors, linguists, scholars in any mainstream or obscure field, not to mention politically savvy socialists, feminists, Democrats, Republicans, and anything else. The great thing about Harvard to her was that there really are fantastic people there, and down-toe-earth people, would-be-Swarthmore students, people with eclectic and fascinating interests, people whose intelligence comes through in all sorts of ways, and people who are truly good and kind. on arrival, she was received in the best way ever ;maziri felt free and easy as the students' were all very friendly and she could easily find one or multiple groups to fit into.all of the student organizations did a grey job of making her feel like she is really one of them;of particular interest was essie ,despite the fact that she was not part of her family and neither was she her partner, they shared an unconditional attention, kindness, sympathy,empathy, compassion loyalty, fun and above all they greatly valued each other.she came to learn that essie, despite being a kind hearted young lady,she was as well of the same race as her and most importantly, she was mzee walupe's daughter who had travelled abroad three years ago,it was outrightly clear that they were from the same village ;Nakamagambo.she gave her enough orientation into the system .maziri adapted to the system faster than expected .Apart from being adaptive she was as well hardworking...from the first encounter with the lecturers,she was able to grasp everything keenly.she was willing to learn and always looked for new ways to grow within the vast Havard. Efficiency was part of her as she used to show up to class on time and assignments were well handled on time, meetings fully attended and at any given time she could gain the courage to consult the lecturers and facilitators,she actually showed great interest in Education and by virtue of her hardwork she would soon be declared doctor Maziri.
on this day ,just like any other day as she was in her ambitious thoughts,she heard a light knock at the door...ooh! it was sesele,He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice as she had heard the first time she had heard a deep and lovely conversation with him in the plane. He was handsome from his generous opinions to the touch of his hand upon her hand that particular sensational moment . "How have you been Maziri??"sesele asked affectionately as he send a romantic look towards Maziri..on maziri's side,she loved the way his voice came out..she also send an elusive smile and gave a soft reply,"have been good less you."After a short discussion sesele offered to take maziri for a short walk along the city of london...as they walked along the steets this two love birds shined on the streets as they conversed affectionately.each and evry time the two looked at each other amicably, they sent a starry eye towards each other...reverence had taken the better part of their instincts .the two had bonded for an eternity despite that they had met for a short period of time...indeed love is a barrier breaker ,time shortener and heart attacker...as they kept on strolling down the busy streets of the industrious London ,not anyone of them ever thought of what was in store for them that particular afternoon...pap! A loud ear breaking bang was heard from a distance, anxiety a rose in the nerves of young Maziri,though sesele tried to calm her but she kept on sluttering,missing words ,so much uneasy and continuously positioning her arms and legs as if she had seen the devil...she nervously hid herself in sesele's arms as she sobbed uncontrollably...their had been a plane crush that had driven everything which had managed to survive away..people kept running while shouting ..cars ran along the streets with no order ,the traffic had been disrupted ... confusion had overtaken order,the devilic atmosphere could be felt at that particular juncture...the raging flames could be seen from a distance ...the two love birds stood motionless and literally confused ,they had no capacity to take an action for their brains were tied ,and the dilapidated Maziri almost ran into a comma before an overspeeding came and disrupted their confusion and the next thing they could see is pure darkness...when Maziri came to, she found her self hospitalized in St .Thomas Hospital in London city...when she was trying to figure out what had happened,she saw Essie sitted beside her ...Essie looked at her with a lot of sympathy," Maziri am so sorry for what befall you but all shall be well,I know you are going through a hard time trying to get back to your feet and also trying to mend your heart after the demise of Sesele!!!!!"This words strikes Maziri so hard ,learning that Sesele was no more was a cruel reality that hit her and she had to face it courageously.As soon as she was medicated and had recovered,she boldly accepted that fact and moved own as if nothing happened because she knew no situation was permanent and the world's cruelty would never end...Essie kept on encouraging her till she felt better in the planet ...she is now working so hard to leave a legacy and make the gone Sesele proud of her as she had his interests at heart...," I will have to prove to the world that the Lose of a loved one is not the end but what comes after is what proves the point of the lose of that particular person ..Maziri thought strongly as Essie pushed her wheelchair inside the exam room...
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© Emmanuel Hyrex