

beyond the beautiful smile: count.....
Two days later………..
It was about 2pm before the car came for me, wale to my personal shock than surprise didn’t come to pick me, as soon as the nurse came to me with my journal, I knew it was time, she came also with the news of wale not coming and the information of my pick-up car and to further level up my surprise, my driver is a lady, tall, dark, black haired, slim and sexy as against my rough fair psyche, I felt a span of jealousy, maybe this was wale’s wife or something, I immediately cautioned myself and returned the small, beautiful nature of this beautiful lady in black heels was smiling at me as if life was free of charge.

Somehow the concept of been alone appealed to me and i thought about how much freedoom was coming with leaving this hell hole but i know also that the freedom has its cost because nothing in this world was for free and I almost had a charge of heart, no more freedom as wale in his good pleasure had deprived me of that feeling and a practical example stood a couple of steps away smiling from ear to ear.
I was going to miss the white walls and blue uniforms that I had come to accept as part of my life over these years, as I walked out through the corridor I hoped that James and his twin or whatever she was to him were both dead and would leave me be in peace, I also wished that wale wasn’t married to this lady, okay I know i sounded stupid even to myseld , but I was a romantic,i still am, I have not really figured out what I felt for wale yet but somehow his attention mattered to me, I never thought until now how many patients wale attended to and how many of them felt this way for him, I started to think of myself as privileged to gain him trust, I was boastful of the fact that he promised me security.

As I stepped to the foyer, I hesitated, she smiled again, taking my bag from me and led me to the car and before I knew what was going on I found myself in the silver car’s passengers seat and had been properly belted in then somehow she appeared on the driver’s side, started the ignition, hitting on the gas and then we were navigating our way out of the hospital’s packing space,

I did not remember, remembering how this new feeling felt, I mean feeling the sun on my face, having the breeze blowing my hair, I noticed a lot of change in the nothingness of life, it means nothing to most and everything to all,l thought about the only death I was in my hospital block , still returned doctors saying how she was not meant to die, how much of live she had Two days later………..
It was about 2pm before the car came for me, wale to my personal shock didn’t come to pick me, as soon as the nurse came to me with my journal, I knew it was time, she came with the news of wale not coming and the information of my pick-up car, to further surprise me my driver is a lady, tall, dark, black haired, slim and sexy as against my rough fair psyche, I felt a span of jealousy, maybe this was wale’s wife or something, I immediately cautioned myself and returned the small this beautiful lady in black heels was giving me free of no charge. Somehow the concept of been alone appeal to me and I almost had a charge of heart, no more freedom as wale in his good pleasure had deprived me of hat feeling a practical example stood a couple of steps away smiling from ear to ear. i was going to miss the white walls and blue uniforms I had come to accept as part of my life for years, as I walked out through the corridor I hoped that James and his twin or whatever she was to him were both dead and would leave me be in peace, I also wished that wale wasn’t married to this lady, okay I know you think am stupid dear reader, oh! Yes you are right, I was a romantic I still am, isn’t that the why you are reading this journal, I has not really figured out how I felt for wale at the time but somehow his attention mattered to me, I never thought until then how many patients wale attended to and how many of them felt this way with him, I started to think if myself privileged to gain him trust, I was boastful of the fact that he promised me security.
As I stepped to the foyer, I hesitated, she smile, took my hands and led me to the car and before I knew what was going on I found myself in the silver car’s passenger’s seat and had been properly belted in then somehow she appeared on the driver’s side hitting on the gas and then we were navigating our way out of the hospital’s packing space, I did not remember remembering how this new feeling felt, I mean feeling the sun on my face, having the breeze blowing my hair, I wanted to enjoy the drive, but my eyes kept looking at the mirror beside my door, I played with my seatbelt, tolerating its temporary discomfort as I checked for the cars that might be on our trail, I tensed as overtaking and at been overtaken by another cars i tried without succeeding to keep my fears abay, but but if the beautiful lady next to me had noticed, she said nothing, I guess wale must have warned her about my hatred for music and my inability to keep a conversation. The point is music make people cry, and crying to me is a sign of weakness besides I have cried enough to last a lifetime and this started from the moment that son of a bitch took the only thing that made my life meaningful and had tried to kill me severally,
but not those doctors folks thinking I am mad when in the original sense,the mad ones are on the streets dressed in beautiful clothes, and having the best of everything, most even rob people like us the joys of our life to make themselves happy.