

A Window With No Screen In It Because I Was Cuased Daymares
This not like no other sunday
I heard the strangest sounds but
it is now November And Halloween
is gone. But you know he still trying
to. show people he bad. Well you
not an alien and this is not a coat
rack story. So he say oh no and I
run up on him like he was a new leather
coat that I was checking at the target
And I wrap him around and body slam
him until he say why?
Then I am confused because I say oh well
I don't know you woke me up at 1am
then I get back to sleep then at 2:30am
I was dreaming and you woke me out
of that.
Then about 4am all the way to five you
saying you don't like this kin.
So I am up now and I want to wild out
the young folks who call it. But the rage
is in some cause the unholy was in the
lips of somebody last night yelling to the top of there lungs. I am not any of these
look at me
look at me
look at me
oh shit she is not looking.
Well I want to say why to that
as well as if I am retired and
legally blind how will I ever see what
it was some freaky people or person
was trying to show me in the middle
of the night on Halloween night. It didn't
sound like something I think I want to
see if I could see. All I know was I was
woke up about five times along with
the rest of the block who did not once
say to any of the people why y'all out
hollering. Go on now before she come at
you. So now it's Sunday and I just want
to get some sleep but if I do. Another
one a weird who ever will come through
And say lay sleeping in the middle of the day. Then the hollering
continues. Then when I tryed to go to
a friend's house he told me no
we can't have guest
I am not a guest
And I felt the evil getting ready
to come out my spirit so I say go
home. Then after I am alone
an think of how to get the devil
under control but then
I realize that there is just no way to
control or understand or reason
with rage coming at you for
no reason. But in the back of my mind
I think this not over and I also hate
to hear some little ones crying and
bad people not even in this build yelling saying he should not be around my people but they lied to the landlord
staff about kids being in here. Then none of the terrors are holding a lease but
I can't go down my friend s house why is he putting me through that and why are all them strangers putting us through
any of that cause it not the way to live
letting strangers in on people and talking smack to kids and teen terroring them
I thought I was getting away from
PTSD But I have been triggered by
a mess of what do you call thems I don't know but my head phones blocks them
for now but on no so bad ones drove up and are out aide still talking smack. I just have never so I get book. And pray it all
away and I smile up to heaven and to my
dead kin who pasted I will pray it away.
You know if you want to say you going
to jump if they pick with you. And they still not stopping there mess that it's a devil in them and and don't even want to fuck with that. Or some lady screaming and hollering he sticking his dick in me
as if. I know which couple or apt. these
fuckers are in. And this all disturbed
my sleep so now I am up. Trying to writes this night mare down in writing
therapy on your nice website on its.
A gray area out there today yes it is
And the players are not right on a
Sunday but I ask the Lord to handle it
And he will and I tell you I will be glad
when he do.
© lashes