

Only My Imagination
I woke up in a bed of some unfamiliar place with a severe headache and cramps.It felt as if I was lying there paralysed for my entire life. The place seemed to be a Public Hospital. All sorts of Artificial Hydration machineries and oxygen masks were attached to me. . Bouquets of fresh and rotten flowers were lying on the floor just beside the Hospital bed. It was oddly confusing. . . . the last thing I remember is being with my boyfriend in the open crowdy meadows watching the night skies full of latern candles, fireworks and symphonies.
I slowly got up from the Hospital bed only to find some doctors and a nurse running towards me in shock yelling, "Bring the other surgeons ! She is finally awoke from her long coma ! It's a miracle-- come fast !"
What coma ?. . . Wasn't I with my boyfriend who was finally going to ask me to his lawfully wedded wife ?.. Wasn't I finally going to have the so called "Happy Ending" of my life... ?...

*After Getting the Explanations from the Doctors*

I was panicking in shock hearing the explanation of the doctors. Tears started rolling down my cheeks like cascade even before I knew.. My eyes became reddish due to all that crying ... due to the shocking news.. I tried to proceed the words again.. "So.. I-I was in coma for three freaking years ... ? All those memories which I created in Chicago were nothing but a part of my dream..
Most importantly... my "boyfriend" was nothing but my imagination?.. Just a mere imagination... just a m-mirage..
Just a part of my crooked thoughts..The person who oddly understood me more clearly than myself was just my mere imaginaton?.."

How would "you" feel to know that your lover who is the main cause of the Euphoria in your life is just your mere imagination?... How would you feel to know so many happy memories which you made with your lover was just a dream which you had in coma?..