

In a village,a person of age 65 years old person living.Resently he consulted doctor for checkup,THE doctor conformed he has a cancer going to die soon ,the old man get tension ,for a long time he invested all time in getting timepass like social media,alcohol,some pleasures as the way he neglected family,relatinships then urgently he called his children to come home but they are not be like his father they decided to be great with happiest life they worked settled in best positions ,he realise his mistakes but now it is too late then he decides to enjoy couple of days out there..
As the way he went out without money ,he just packed his clothes and went to bus stand . when he sitting and thinking about how to enjoy these days ,his friend arrives suddenly and both are meets and discussed about their life as they came with same problem ,they felt each other happy and even unhappy and when they are in childhood they leave their home once and without money they entered bus, as conductor noticed , they are went out middle of the way and they felt hungry they work on a shop half day and get the food .On that time many friends are joined and spend their day like that with them and then they went to different places without money secretly and eated food without paid money just escaped.
These two friends discussed that movement and get laughing all day.But they realised they only have that movement to laugh because they not spend time on career as well as real enjoyment .Now they no more have time .They are in the edge of their life .
If they die,they die with unsatisfaction, they feel very sad and now they no more ,when they in death bed they see as their friends died earlier but they never felt unhappy because they keep a balance between enjoyment and career and lead a successful life but now they get a thought I WANT TO GO BACK TO MY CHILDHOOD AND START BEAUTIFUL. but life is one as their story has repeated on many lives dont waste your life ,you have a purpose ,go search and find it ,do it ,create a history
"In this world every one came with a purpose ,you should know that "
give value to life
#beinspired #philosophy #motivational #queen padmavathi
© queen padmavathi