

Message to humanity
Lesson 4 : whose their!!
"Finally we will be out of this nuisance we made it!! Yes we finally made it!!" said super happy matilza , though we were hungry , tired to hell but this happiness was more than all of it !! But the challenge was How to get out of that window we both were short !! ...BIG PROBLEM, BIG PROBLEM!! shut up their is nothing as big as our will to get out of here! Hmm what to do now ?? As we were thinking all about it...Little matilza found something she called me " Anaya , I found something ...have a look " --- I busy in my own thought ignored her once ..She again called " Anaya , come here I really want you to show something " !! I was busy in my thoughts ...I don't know what was it ! but something came close to me grabbed my arm tight and whispered in my ear - "A-n-a-y-a , " No sooner did I turn back no one was their only matilza was standing behind me I thought Matilza pranked me out ... but she nodded her head sideways " who can it be then " ??? Anyway i get to the stone their were some engravings ...I am not sure what were they so we thought lets have a sleep then ...I again dreamed of this thing " His eyes were red , filled with wild passion and this time he grabbed hold me from behind , embraced me tight and kissed me , I was not sure why was I that much calm ..I should be anxious but it felt my body had been in paralyzed state I was not able to do anything ...and that human like bieng was kissing me ....not in a way to harm me but in a way as if he love me ...He gave me that paper and pointed it towards lights some symbols started to engrave by themselves..Then he took me to a desert like surroundings And then out of nowhere he vanished out !! my sleep just got broke in instance !! I thought what was It !! but one thing That was weirdest of all that ragged down sheet of paper was still in my hands ......