

EMBOSI (#1) 35 years earlier....
The poverty-stricken ghetto in the city of Zimbabwe always kept in our beauty in the eyes of Ngala even as a child.She imagined the hut laden City to be apart of heaven just for the Zulus, where the fish ran forever and the blue sky made the raintaste sweet and all children play together and we're protected from evil. As she grew so did the reality of the world. Her alcoholic stepfather Gazi who's abusive and pedofilic violent episodes as her weak back mother Empazi would call them could, would and have turned heaven into a full fledged nitemare in the eyes of Ngala.
Even for where they lived Gazi was a very well-off man who's international connections brought about money, respect, and power. Not only a drunken tyrant at home but in the city as well. In his many stupers he was known to grope and fondle young girls that would sometimes be in arms reach of her mother or father for that matter with no consequence or repercussion which left the city in fear because Ghazi owned the mill that provided a large amount of work to the city. Envied and pityed at the same time. Ngala was known as the pretty girl who lives with the demon in the house of riches and evil.
Despite all obstacles Ngala grew up to be extremely beautiful.Carrying the look of her biological fathers family traits. Deep dark chocolate skin that seemed to almost glow in the bright African sun and a smile that would clear a stormy sky. Oddly enough Ngala had dark hazel green eyes that had been passed down generations ago by way of the forcefully intermixed European bloodline. Those eyes caused her to be teased as a child.." Ngala! Ngala! lookin' like a cat, you are not a Zulu with eyes like that" was the song that the children would bully her with. As she grew she learned to carry her shame so well that it incited jealousy among the women old and young. With her current family set-up she had no friends for fear of Ghazi

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