

Lord Narsingha - Avatar of Lord Narayan
Hiranyaksha  is the antagonist of the story.

He did tapasya for Brahmadev. Brahmadev became pleased with tapasya and appeared and said," Hiranyakashyap , I am pleased with your tapasya and devotion. What boon do you want?"

Hiranyaksha said," Hey Brahmadev. I want to be immortal".
Brahmadev said," I do not give you that boon".

Hiranyaksha said," Hey Brahmadev. Give me a boon that no human, no animal can kill me. I cannot be killed inside room or outside any house. No weapon call kill me. I cannot be killed during day or night".

Brahmadev said,"TATHASTU".

Then Hiranyaksha thought that he cannot be killed by anyone.
He didn't liked Lord Narayan and opposed his devotion. He disliked all Vaishnavs and he forcefully stopped Vishnu Puja.
His wife Kayadu was also a Vishnu devotee but she had to stop Vishnu Puja for her husband but he prayed to Lord Vishnu everyday.

When Kayadu came to know that she will become mother, she became very happy and thought that it is all because of Lord Narayan.

She thanked Lord Narayan and everyday she used to do take name of Narayan . The foetus too knew about Lord Narayan in mother's womb.

Their child was named Prahalad.
Prahalad was a Vishnu devotee and Hiranyaksha  didn't knew about it.
He sent his son to Gurukul for education. When he returned , his father asked him," What have you learnt?"

Prahalad said politely," Pitashree, I learnt that Lord Narayan is supreme. He is the preserver of the universe".

Hiranyaksha became angry and said," I am the most powerful in the three worlds. No one can fight with me".
He sent his son to KARAGAR( JAIL).
Hiranyaksha ordered everyone not to give food to Prahalad.
Narayan became extremely worried seeing the condition of his devotee. He said to Goddess Lakshmi," Hey Pranapriya! See how a father treats his son. What will I do now ?"
Mata Lakshmi said," Hey Narayan ! I will cook food for Prahalad."

Mata Lakshmi appeared infront of Prahalad who was chanting the name of Narayan
" Swami Narayan Narayan Hari Hari
   Lakshmi Narayan Narayan Hari Hari"

Lakshmi Mata cooked food for Prahalad and served with her own hands. He became happy seeing food.
One of the servants came and saw Prahalad eating food but he didn't saw MahaLakshmi.

He went to Hiranyaksha and said," Maharaj ki jai!! I have seen Prahalad eating food , but I don't know who gave him food".

He became angry hearing this and went to Prahalad who was chanting HARI NAME.
He became angry hearing HARI name and said,"Prahalad. Now I teach you a lesson".

He ordered HOLIKA to take Prahalad and sit on fire. She did as per Hiranyaksha's instructions.
Prahalad was chanting "Swami Narayan Narayan Hari Hari
   Lakshmi Narayan Narayan Hari Hari"
Lord Narayan blessed him and nothing happened to him after he sat on the fire.

At last Hiranyaksha said to Prahalad," Call your Hari. Is Hari present here ?"

Prahalad said," Yes Pitashree , he is present everywhere in the three worlds".

Hiranyaksha showed a pillar and said," Is your Hari present here?"

He broke the pillar and saw a half man and half lion came out from the pillar.
Prahalad understood that Hari came.

Hiranyaksha said,"Who are you?"
The half man and half lion revealed himself as Narsingha.
He said," I am the one who end evils. Now no one can save you from me".

Hiranyaksha said," No one can kill me".

Narsingha said," You got boon from Brahmadev but you have misused and thought that you are immortal , but everyone will get their KAARMFAAL".

He said," Brahmadev gave you a boon that you will not die in the hands of a man or animal but I am half man and half animal. You got a boon that you will not die inside or outside the house but I will kill you at the junction of the inside and outside of the house. You got a boon that no weapons can be the cause of your death but I will kill you with my nails.
You got a boon that you cannot be killed on day or on night but see this time is dusk , it's neither day nor night".

He forcefully pulled Hiranyaksha to the doorstep and sat on the doorstep and killed him with his nails.
Everyone praised Lord Narayan.
He became extremely pleased with his devotion and gave him boon that he will be known as a great Vishnu Devotee forever.

Jai Shri Lakshmi Narayan Hari Hari.

#mythology #narsingha #vishnu #narayan #inspiration #beautiful