

The remote control friend

One cold, early February morning, Hilbert Archer was lying down on the bench after shortly waking up. The snow had melted the previous afternoon from the sun. He didn't get to eat dinner the night before. He arose because he knew it was time for breakfast at the Lutheran Church down the road. So, he got up, packed his belongings & walked on his merry way. He only got 1 1/2 hours of sleep.

He pulled out his phone, filming & was like, "Smh! There go those perps creating trouble EARLY in the morning. Wait 'til YouTube sees this."

There were 9 police cars, back to back, & each one of them were driving by with 1 headlight & waited until they got near him to put on sirens. After all 9 cars passed by, the sirens stopped. So after that, Hilbert uploaded the video to his YouTube channel, & people started watching.

Hilbert finally made it to the church after 2 hours. He was standing in the line, waiting for breakfast. A young 20-year old, dirty meth-head kept coughing on him without covering his mouth. "Hey man, what the f*** you lookin' at?", said the fake thug. Also, the thug gave Hilbert the HATE-ANGER look, like he's FORBIDDEN to look! Then Hilbert responded, "Well, if you'd quit coughing on me, then I wouldn't have to stare back at 'cha. Learn to cover your mouth! I KNOW you're a perp." Then the dirty thug said, "Man, f*** outta here with that BS! I don't even know what a perp is." Then, Hilbert said, "Listen, chump! Don't play stupid. I don't even know why you're standing in this line if you're here to perp me, & your handlers have you VERY WELL taken care of. & why are your shoes red? I know you get freebies & gift cards." Then, the dirty thug put his head down, looking guilty & stupid. He has enough perp money to get his own place, but spends it all on alcohol, crack, weed, cigarettes, vapes & meth. So, they argued back & forth. & once Hilbert put him on film, he got really quiet. 🤐🤫

An elderly widow volunteer, named Ursula was passing out raffle tickets to win prizes. They made it a little fun for the homeless. Mrs. Ursula said in her raspy voice, "Has anyone NOT received a ticket? Who has NOT yet received a ticket, show of hands?" & of course, some of the greedy druggies kept lying & saying that they didn't get any tickets, skipping the line, directly in front of Hilbert. They were all Gang Stalking Perparazzi. Good thing Mrs. Ursula caught the perps cutting the line & lying about not receiving a ticket. Good thing she sent those dishonest cheaters away. Now, they couldn't get anything to eat! 😂🤣

Then, it was time for everyone to enter the church sanctuary, & the pastor started preaching for 1/2 hour. After the pastor got done preaching, a narcissistic abuser, named Walter Warren Walker offered to sit down by Hilbert at the breakfast soup kitchen, & Hilbert agreed. After that, 1 of the assistant pastors prayed over the food, & everyone started chowing down. Walter & Hilbert exchanged numbers. & then, they started talking on the phone & became, what Hilbert "THOUGHT", was "friends". Walter was coincidentally the first other homeless professed Targeted Individual to meet in person. Only to realize later on in the friendship that Walter was both a fake hypo-Christian AND a fake TI perp.

So, Hilbert would see Walter & sit with him to eat & talk. Walter was always very nosy & trying to get into Hilbert's personal business. Also, they would hang out, aside from the breakfast soup kitchen, & talk on the phone. Walter started out acting REALLY nice & friendly with Hilbert. Then he subtly & slowly, but surely started perping Hilbert, & act more increasingly controlling, mean & condescending. Hilbert said that he refused to have ANOTHER grown man to try to treat him like a total puppet on the string. After that, they had an argument, & then stopped being friends. Walter tried to cover it up & try to gaslight Hilbert, saying that Hilbert misunderstood his intent as a friend. Then, he started quoting & twisting scripture to try to manipulate Hilbert into staying in the so-called "friendship", all while Walter was gaining intel on him. Then they became back friends again.

Hilbert had such a ROUGH day, one day. So much street theater, noise campaigns, rude customer service, etc. It must've been a Satanic ritual High Day that day! So, Hilbert mentioned how he almost got arrested for filming the perps because he went to Burger King, & they messed up his double Whopper order 3 times, & got rude with him & cheated him out of his change. The cops were already onsite. Hilbert had to go pee really bad. The cops threatened to arrest Hilbert for filming the abusive Gang Stalking perp cashiers who were doing the street theater skits right along with the cops playing all kinds of psychological games.

Hilbert called Walter up, having a panic attack, wanting to give up. & Walter yelled at him & insensitively said, "So why didn't you just use your God-given common sense & just leave? See? You create your OWN problems, Mr. Archer! I'm starting to believe that you're not really targeted." (Yeah, a fake TI perp projecting! Walter sold out & took a perp deal, & is assigned to try to become Hilbert's handler.)

Hilbert started to try to verbally defend himself & say, "Well if YOU were truly targeted, then you would sympathize with what I go through on a daily basis! Every day of my stupid life is ruined! I never asked for this life!"

Then Walter replied, "Apparently you did. Because REAL Christians don't just GO AROUND filming Gang Stalkers! They ignore them, pray about it & move on. YOU'RE the one out here looking like a fool! You're an embarrassment to both the Body of Christ AND the TI community! & there will be only a MATTER OF TIME, before people on YouTube, & whatever other social media that you use, see you for the fake that you truly are! Those people at Burger King weren't trying to take advantage of you! Time for a psych eval, pal!"

Hilbert said, "How can you say that, & you weren't even there?"

Walter told him, "End of this discussion. I'm not gonna go around in circles & circles with you! Because you attract negative energy & attention to yourself & then don't take responsibility for your grotesque behaviors. I'm DONE!"

After that, Hilbert was speechless & had emotions all over the place. He was so ANGRY with Walter that he got a Greyhound bus ticket & moved out of state & changed his phone number to avoid any more dealings with Walter. Only to find out that this program is worldwide & happening to many other people, & that this is not just a personal situation.

The End

© Candy Grandpre