

The passerby
Once a man loved a lady deeply but that lady married someone else, Neal was deeply hurt, he sobbed and sat in lonliness thinking why this happened ? When he saw a monk, the monk knew the cause of his sorrow so he showed Neal a mirror.
In the mirror Neal saw that a naked woman was lying on the wet seashore, a passerby came and went, after some time a second passerby came and saw the dead body and covered it with a white cloth he had,
later a third passerby came and he saw the woman covered in white, he dug a grave and buried her.
After watching this Neal was confused he looked at the monk, the monk explained him that you were the second passerby in your last life and the dead woman was your love, to repay the kindness she loved you, and to repay the kindness of the third passerby she married him.