

Nationalism is the Real enemy of Development.
Now it's down to the people or it is up to them that do they really want to be a Nationalist in a country or in some parts of that exact country where Bridges are falling, Terminals are Tumbling during the rainy season and the full season hasn't arrived as yet and what people actually are putting forward is Heavy rain so okay. But, Even if it is heavy rain so doesn't it, still convey a lot about the Builders and those who have got the Project on their hands. A man of some party from the Government was travelling through a boat to recognise his protest as the heavy rain turned the Roads into little pounds that have dismantled the Daily routine of Delhi and some other States too. As India yesterday has won the World Cup this crucial topic will get shaded by that. It doesn't mean, if someone is raising appropriate Questions and it has also mentioned your country in the middle then it never suggests that He or She doesn't adore the country. The fact that. They are not like those who chant hard rather they avoid and look at the current scenario that is pushing us back as the Common man or as the Public. The Adminstrations still won't care even, if a massive building finds itself collapsing because they already have anticipated that it's only about a few days or a case will be filled in the court for the (Name's) sake because, it is the subcontinent. In short, we make daunting claims to be educated but, we are horrifically illiterate when it comes to cherishing Human Life. I don't hate the subcontinent, but one thing is determined from my side that I won't ever support (Nationalism). Until my last breath InshAllah.