

Toltic Wisdom
For centuries toltic wisdom has been hidden from society. Only just recently has this knowledge been brought back.
Here are the four agreements of toltic wisdom brought back to light!
These four agreements will change your life for the better! You will slowly see your life changing, positively, as time passes.
Just like it takes time for a habit to form, it also takes time to change that habit and replace it with a positive one! Time, patience, and consistency is key to becoming a true warrior!

1. Be impeccable with your word.

Always speak positive in all that you say! This may seem difficult at first, so how about you start out small? Give words of encouragement to those around you, including yourself.

2. Don't make assumptions.

Nothing, absolutely nothing anyone does is ever about you! This also takes into account of a third agreement, don't take anything personally. Since everyone has their own worlds, they are the star in their own show.
Always make sure to ask questions first before hand.. Even then you still can't assume, since you are not that person.

3. Do your best in everything you do.

If you're making sure to do your best in everything you do, the other agreements will become easier! Step out of your comfort zone. Try new things, pick up an old skill you stopped that you used to love! That will make you become a kid again.. This will also help you break the old agreements within yourself and replace them with new, positive ones so that you will feel better about yourself! This will also guarantee that you will start doing your best in everything you do.

4. Don't take anything personally.

As stated before, every individual has their own world. This makes sense as to why people do the things they do, both good and bad. This last agreement, to not take anything personally is including compliments!
Remember: Since they're the hero of their own world, this means their world revolves around them and whatever they say or do is always about them.
In conclusion, working at these four agreements will become easier as time continues on.. Start out by self care first and focusing on God. Only then will the rest follow thereafter. Eventually you will see yourself becoming happier and more free within yourself.
That is the true definition of a warrior. Battling emotions and inner demons to become a better part of themselves so that they may write this story to someone else someday.
This wisdom will help everyone when actively used and we can all do our part to create a better world!
Love and light to all.
A fellow hippie & toltic warrior ❤

© Juli Reimer