

Adrinette 2
9months after,
Push! Push!! and that's when I heard my baby's cry the Doctor used a towel carried her and gave her to the mid wife to be given a bath. After few hours and I was fully rested ,Adrien came into the room .He pecked my forehead and said"what are we gonna name her?"."How about Adrienne. She'll be daddy's little princess"
4years later,
Adrienne:Mummy am hungry
Mari:Don't worry .I'll bake you your favorite
Adrienne:Thank you mummy
Adrien:(comes downstairs)How are my favorite girls doing?
Adrienne: Mummy's not ur girl I am
Adrien:Alright how is my little girl doing?(picks her upand pecks Marinette)
Mari:Hi sweetheart.Your breakfast is ready
Adrien:(drops Adrienne)Go watch TV princess
Adrienne:Ok daddy (runs to couch)
Adrien:So what are we gonna do about Adrienne
Mari:(stops serving)what do you mean?
Adrien:Well I booked us a trip to Paris
Mari: We're going back to Paris?
Adrien:For a week or two
Mari:(kisses Adrien)Am gonna see my parents.Thank you Adrien
Adrien: Anything for you
Mari:Can't we take Adri along
Adrien:It's meant to be a vacation for us
Mari:But she'll really love to see her grandparents and she won't wanna leave us
Adrien:She can stay with Alya
Mari:Alright but first Ive gotta ask her if she'll be free so we won't cause her any trouble
Adrien:Alright.Am off to work(Pecks Marinette)
Mari:Bye darling.Love you
Adrien:Love you too .Bye Adri
Adrienne:Bye daddy.I love you
Adrien:(closes door)
Adrienne: Mummy am sleepy(rubs eye)
Mari:Go get your blankie from upstairs
Adrienne:Ok mummy (runs upstairs)

Mari:Hey Alya what's up I need ur help
Alya:Hey Mari am good.What do u need?
Mari:Can u help me to babysit Adrienne for like a week or two
Alya:Sure. She can spend more time with Max
Mari :Thanks Alya.
Alya:So where you going to?
Mari:Adrien booked us a flight to Paris
Alya:How romantic
Mari:I'll tell you when we're going and am gonna come to ur house tomorrow
Alya:I'll be expecting you bye
Adrienne:Mummy can you please usemy blankie and cover me?It's cold
Mari:Alright darling.(covers her)


Hey guys hope you enjoyed part 2.I love you all so please follow like and comment part 3 will be released today or tomorrow bye guys .


© queenie