

My dream
I am a Girl of 17 years!! I am in class 12 I am very unlucky I Lost My cousin brother last year!!!I have no brother To Care,fool or Share!!!Some people Call me Mad And crazy just because I write whole day.. Writing I like.. my Hobby to play Batminton,Write Stories,Poem,Quotes and articles!! I don't want To be Famous,I don't want to be proud, I don't want Money,I don't want any thing From people!! I Just Want a world With no Hatred,No jealousy,No fight,no war,no Proudness,..Just love,respect and peace!! i don't want People be After money!! I am Writting To change The world!! i am Writting For the World!! i don't want people discriminate between girl or boy,Rich or poor or hate black People!! I am working This so hard,giving pressure in my mind every day for People!!! i am Working Hard For the World not for Myself!!! i want the betterment of all people but They Don't Support me, does not Give me encouragement!! I will Not Listen To those who say I cannot do anything!! i will Prove them wrong One day!! i will show them nothing is impossible!!! My friend Calls me toxic Because I Believe in Jesus!!! i have no good friends,no care and support,no love!!! I am not That Intelligent,not that good looking.! i know I cannot Get lot of money or success!!So I just want a little Support and comfort and a good friends!,A true love, a house of my own money!!!! many people are against my Believe,my dream!!Changing the world is just my dream!!! But I have another aim!!! Don't judge me by my Faults by my Demerits!!! People call me unlucky because I Get and loss!! i Don't Think I deserve the best because I am unlucky!!!... i know people think me unlucky But I will prove them wrong one day!! i will fly High in sky!!! i can And I will..Nothing is impossible!!!
My dream is Not small and easy!!..But my dream is not impossible!!I will Achive success and show them That I am not unlucky!!; my luck is in my hand and God!! i will and I can!!!...

© Vidhyasha