

Lesson Learnt
Today my mum taught me a very important lesson. While praying she had a thought about our former president Pranab Mukherjee, that he died from Brain tumor and Covid. Which means his dead body wasn't even allowed to be burnt normally. It was treated just like anyother Covid Positive patient's body. Wrapped in a black plastic cover, zipped and then burnt in the hospital's burial ground.

The thought that being the former first citizen of this country, he died like a normal citizen. So why we mery citizens think so highly ourself when we all have to die just like a normal person.

He was a great president and he won't be forgetten by me anytime soon, not till the day I die. I hope so do you.

I read a poem long time back and I would love to share some lines of it with you;

तुझसे ही जुड़ा हूं तुझ में ही मिल जाऊंगा किस बात का गुरूर है मुझ में मिट्टी का खिलौना हूं मिट्टी में ही मिल जाऊंगा.
© Allen George