

Dating Him Ch 3
He had the card to my room.He woke me up at 3Am! I was happy he came because my sleep was horror on an empty bed and in a foreign land.
Though I could not hide my extacy,I wondered what would have happened if he did not meet me in.He was already touching me everywhere.
Where did he leave his wife by this time?Was it fair enough?
I grew anxious and guilty.
''Daddy where are you coming from?"
He smiled to me and said ''Come on honey I'm an old man now.I know what is good and what's bad."
I grew even more nervous.
What if he did not even go home at all since the last time he left here?
There was something funny I needed to grasp.
"Daddy, you are not touching me if I do not know from where you're coming from this early."
He still smiled and said:
"You won't let me won't you?Ok my wife visited her kid sister and passed the night.I did not want to tell you so because I knew you'll want me to come over and I had so much work!Now can I have my heartbeat in peace? "
I was just so reasured that I gave him a long kiss.I loved this man to the stars and back but I knew my place and had to take it.I had vowed in this very complexed relationship I would do nothing to harm his wife directly or indirectly.
I think he loved me even more because of that.
''I love you daddy. " I managed to squeeze out in between kisses.
''I love you too sweetheart.Come here..."
I can't believe this is happening to me just now.I'm so in love and I'm scared.
© Abigail Ekangouo