

My first landscape painting was done with oil on canvas. Similar to painting our faith needs brushes and colors to create a masterpiece. Ika nga "When love and skill work together expect a MASTERPIECE." We are God's blessings. We are God's masterpiece.

To keep our faith stronger, we must cling to vine and bear much fruit. And every fruit one should be prepared to be cut in order to produce much fruit. God is our anchor. He is the vine and in its branches one must suffer to create a new one.

Even circumstances change, the promise of God does not change. We don't do not have to focus on the battles of life but to be victorious to enjoy the fruits of God's bountiful harvest.

Remain focused and obedient to God. Trust me, God's vine and branches grow in you. All you need is to hold on to God.

Inspired by Ptra Grace B. Plarizan word
© kcstenebro