

A Call From Hell 📳
Little did she know that one argument with a church boy would mean much trouble for her. The intriguing story of a young girl's encounter with the dark world.

It was a sunny afternoon and I had just returned from work, my boss had
earlier noticed my unhappy mood that morning had watched me for a few working hours. When he saw I made no positive changes, he engaged me in a brief discussion and requested that I went home to sort out whatever issues I had. He stated that I was in fact his most hardworking, proficient and diligent staff, so he would not stand the risk of me working from my left frame of mind, this he said in a rather sarcastic tone.

I hurriedly took a lift down to the last floor as my strength was too small to take me through the stairs, I got into my car and drove off. It was a rough ride and in what seemed like ten minutes, I was home, searched for my house key in quite a rush and placed it on the key hole only to discover that the door wasn’t locked after all, I shook my head in disbelief as I opened the door to go in.
It was dark and stuffy inside, the power had gone out due to a heavy rain that fell the previous evening, for my comfort I decided to open the windows and raise curtains to allow light penetrate through the openings, and to let in fresh air.

I helped myself to a glass of cold juice and soon I felt better. Not long after, my head began to ache with my heart racing uncontrollably. I had gone through a lot of stress in the past few days and really needed to rest, I settled on the couch for a few minutes looking confused. On my way home I had stopped by a lab to confirm there was nothing wrong and the test results confirmed it. I had a brief session with the consultant who told I needed a lot of rest. In this might, I entered into the bathroom to have a cold bath and then get a good sleep after wards.

As I put on the shower to wash, the water that flowed through the tap to my body was like a hot chemical which gave me excruciating pain. Out of fear I hastened out of the bathroom, toweled myself in a rush and examined my skin, surprisingly there were neither patches nor injuries just the feeling of internal pain. I sat on the floor to nurse my pain but was soon distracted by a loud crash from the kitchen, I hurriedly got up to check what it was, but an accompanying sound from the bathroom followed, it was the sound of running water, I suddenly felt the strong presence of someone standing behind me, I turned to see who it was but there was no one there. Immediately fear gripped my heart. It had become windy outside and there was still silence in the house. A few seconds later the doorbell rang, as I slowly walked towards it, another door closed from behind which was followed by the footsteps of so many people rushing into the house. I had watched many movies about haunted homes in the past and mine didn't seem to be an exception. On second thought, it could have been my imagination playing tricks on me. I took a deep breath and tried very hard to stay calm. My phone started ringing from the sitting room where I had left it. It was my boss, he had called to know how I was fairing. He was particularly interested in me because of the qualities I possessed both physically and intellectually. I was obviously an asset to the company, and was going to show him more of the stuff I contained but was waiting for the right
opportunity, “this man can never let me be, I just left work 30 minutes ago and he’s missing my impact already” I said, lowering my head to pick the phone.

I held it on my left ear while brushing my hair with the other hand, the noise
that came from the callers background was mortifying and out of curiosity I checked who it was again to be sure it was my boss, instead, I found a strange number. I immediately felt a cold sensation running down my spine, goosebumps popped out of my skin and to say I was scared was, to say the least. The number looked strange but familiar, I had seen it before in one of my dreams and woke up when I made an attempt to answer it. I wished someone could wake me up again but unfortunately, I wasn't sleeping.
I tried to hang up but my phone did not respond to touch anymore, I smashed it on the wall hoping to end the call that way but it did not stop, instead it was accompanied by a faint laughter. At that point, I knew I had to speak up

“hello, who is this?” I asked, not knowing what to expect from the caller's end.

"Lucifer" he replied "reaching you from the deepest part of hades”

He didn't sound like a devil to me, in my doubt I asked again “what do you
want from me?”

“your soul! For it is written 'The soul that sinneth shall die, your soul is mine”, this time he was more furious.

I was both marveled and speechless, it couldn’t have been a call from hell,
this was definitely a new tactic developed by one of these modern-day scammers.
As if to clear my doubts, I suddenly found myself on a lonely road with irregular tracks, I began to wonder when and how I left my sitting room to be on a road which seemed to have no end. Shortly, a countdown timer appeared on the screen of my phone, it showed I was 10 minutes away from hell. Immediately, Fear gripped my mind, I was in a journey of no return “I know your thoughts” he said in a mocking manner, “look around you”.
I hesitated for a while before looking, my eyes couldn’t behold the horrible
views, there were demons all over the road, they lurked around but couldn’t touch me, I knew something was stopping them from touching me but I didn’t know what it was.

Soon, the air was filled with bad smell. The phone in my hand was as hot as
fire, I tried to drop it but it stuck to my palms like glue, the whole place was getting very hot, I could hear the voices of people crying, they seemed to be going through some pain. “is this really happening?” I questioned myself.

Few days back I had an argument with a boy down the streets of Washington,
although he was my friend but I did not like him much because of the way he always spoke to me about hell like I was the devil himself. “You really need to change and start going to church” he would say. I told him I wasn’t interested in being a
Christian, I also made it clear to him that there was no such thing as life after death but mere fiction. I lectured him on how people were free to live their lives the way they please and in fact warned him never to speak to me again. I did not want to believe anything he said was true.

I was desperately in need of a superman, someone who could just snatch me from those devils and make me free again. I looked around but there was no one on the road except for the hungry-looking demons. This time they came closer and grabbed me. Their touch was awful and beastly, then I remembered a name, the name ‘Jesus’, he had mentioned that name while speaking to me on several occasions. I had to believe he was the only one that could help me out if what they said concerning him was really true, I saw a chance to prove him for myself. Without thinking twice, I shouted “Jesus! Save me”. The countdown timer had dropped to 30 seconds and the heat was getting even hotter, I could see hell's gate from a few meters away, these devils were dragging me towards it’s direction very fast. I continued to cry His name but no one was forthcoming, the more I cried the faster they dragged me towards the flame.
"can you hear me? I don't want to go there" I cried out pointing towards the
gates of hades that were now wide open. Still, nothing happened, "this man must really hate me, I have done too many bad things," I thought. There was no more hope for me, all my hope of being saved were lost, I was going to be condemned eternally, I had lost my voice and every bit of strength in me. I couldn’t cry anymore. Then like a voice in the thunder, I heard him say “lose your grip hold and let her go!” I turned around to see who spoke, it was a man beautifully dressed in his glory. He looked at me with so much piety and compassion mixed with anger, there was a fire in his eyes "this must be Him!" I said in excitement.
When the demons heard His voice, they trembled in fear and one by one they fled, back into the pit of hell from whence they came and I was free from their strongholds. Then I realized there was no other name on earth with which we can be saved but His name.

I saw the holes in His hands when He stretched them forth to raise me up, I threw myself helplessly at His feet weeping bitterly when I heard Him say "it is finished". I felt really sorry for all my misdeeds and unbelief. When I looked up, He was no more there, then I realized I was right at the foot of a cross on the hilltop. On the arm of the cross was written boldly ‘THERE IS BLOOD FOR YOU’ Right there at the cross, I laid every burden down traded my ashes for beauty and confessed my sins before Him. Immediately, I felt relieved, like a heavy load was lifted off me, that was when I realized that sin is a weight.

Out of nowhere, a great door sprang open and bright light shone from it, on the door head was written “I am the way, the truth and the life” without hesitation, I walked through the door and in split seconds I was lying on my couch where I settled some hours ago, I had slept off on the couch. “So this is all a dream?” I said as I heaved a heavy sigh of relief. From that moment, I became restless as the thought of that dream-filled my mind, it appeared my peace was taken away while I slept, my heart was troubled. I hurried out of the house and drove to my aunt’s place where I passed the evening. In the still silence of the night, voices filled my head, the screams of those people who cried for help, the horrifying laughter of demons dragging me towards hades, and then the still small voice saying "there is blood for you" that night I couldn’t sleep as hot tears flowed down my cheeks.
Very early the next day, I packed my bag and left for home. My eyes were
fixed on the book I got from a book store on my way back home. It was the Christian's Holy Book, the seller knowing fully well I was a lover of books had told me that there were many other books inside of it. "books in a Book" hmm interesting I thought. I carefully placed it on my study desk and was flipping through the pages when I came across a book called John. It seemed to be an interesting book, I read the first and second chapters of John, verse 16 of the third chapter however got me thinking,

" For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son so that
everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life "

I wondered what kind of love would make a man lay down His life for others.

I dedicated my whole day to this sumptuous book. Reading it gave me peace of mind, I began to find out certain truths and I was beginning to know this man for myself!

The following morning, I woke up quite early and got dressed, it was a sunday. I didn't have any breakfast as my appetite for food was low. I entered into my car and drove for a few minutes searching for a church when I found one I noticed it had only a few members, the ushers took quick notice of me and directed me to a seat at the front. As I made to sit, my gaze fell on this boy, he was seated right beside me. I looked at him with surprise, in return, he gave me the biggest and warmest smile ever, I watched in surprise as he said: “I know my God has dealt beautifully with you”.

I could not believe that God allowed me through all these, just to prove a point—He loved me.

"you're not too dirty for God to clean up, you're not too empty for God to
fill up, Accepting Christ is the best decision you can ever make, only then will you know the secrets of life." The preacher was saying.

Those words sank into the deepest parts of my heart, when the altar call was made, I stood up and walked towards the alter unashamedly. I accepted Christ into my life and declared Him my own Lord and personal saviour. Looking at my life today, I can boldly say it was indeed the best decision I ever made. That one call from hell had changed my perspectives and beliefs, I had learnt my lessons in a hard way.

© OtitiLizzy