

Dog Vs Cats essay

Dogs can be fun to play with. Cats can also be fun to play with. What would you choose? Cat or dog? Both are very popular. From Snoopy to Garfield, they both have many advantages. So if you’re thinking of adopting a canine or feline, these statistics will help you compare. No matter what you choose, they both are great. I am not picking for you, you pick for me.

Dogs can be very loud. They bark a lot. Actually, that can depend on how obedient your canine friend is or what breed it is. If you picked out A Golden retriever or Terrier, just warning you, they can be really loud. If your looking for a quieter breed, some options are Irish settlers, Shiba Inu, Basenji and a Greyhound. If you already got a dog, and you just love it too much to give away, you can sign them up for obedient classes. Some dogs just need little bit of training to change the way they act. Cats cannot meow as loud as a dog but they’re meow is very annoying. There can be a number of reasons. The breed, hungry, afraid, trying to get your attention or they’re not feeling well. Some breeds like the Siamese Cat or the Syphinx breeds are just very chatty and noisy. So there’s your stats for noise level. So, if your very sensitive to noise, this is very important factor

Cats and dogs are both very different but they both have quite a few similarities. For example, They both can be cute. All...