

Memories. (Story Prompt.)

I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge.
After long days and even longer nights spent laying awake... It was always peaceful to just to float or lay in the sun with my sister. As far as siblings went, the two of us were probably inseparable. I did my best to make sure that the fighting of our parents didn't effect her.
It was as if we were on our own, I cooked, helped with cleaning, even did homework with her.

So, it came as a shock when I opened my eyes, seeing the blue, blue sky and that familiar tree, but no sister. No anyone, in fact. As I stood up, I noted that everything was tender. It hurt to take the first couple of steps. When I made it up the hill, there were no cars.
Odd, I think.
The street usually bustles. I cross the street and head home, which is a decent walk. My sister and I would typically bike over here.
Where is everyone?
Thoughts like that eat at me. Everything seems wrong... like I'm not actually in my home town.
Not a single car passes, but I am captured by memories of happier times.

Mom smiles, she is warm. We are at the beach. Dad seems alive, he laughs at a joke my baby sister tells. It wasn't funny, but everyone had such a great time...

Mom takes us to the icecream parlor, Dad isn't here. It's strange not to see them together. She says weird things, using words that sting with hateful scorn. No one hears, mom uses her hushed voice to tell us poison.
Dad tries to undo damage when we get home, but my little sister doesn't like to trust anyone but me anymore.

I try to think of the night before, as I near my home, but I can't seem to remember.

When I get to where I'm sure my home is, the building looks completely different.
This isn't home, I tell myself. No one lives there that I know.
I feel lost.
I sink down to the ground of this empty town and cry. I don't know what else to do.
© Karia FelWell