

The Demoralization Of Big Brother

Big Brother is a program that was created to promote propaganda and make a massive profit by wicked people who don't care about your well-being or your value as a human being, it is created to promote laziness, complacency, and immorality, nothing more, and nothing less. There is no serious-minded youth or parent that will sit down and make out time to watch and even use their hard-earned money to promote and vote for people that do nothing but idle around to give content to viewers that are mostly centered on, sex, alcohol, and poor character and when you are asked to go and do the voting that matters the most that will secure your future, you bring up excuses, no wonder they government called you "LAZY YOUTHS"

The people who give the dirtiest content stand the best chances of emerging as winners, and that is what you use your precious time, energy, and money to fill your mind with, NEWS FLASH! your kids are watching too and in case you don't know, building the nation and making it a better place begins from the mindset of the youths because you are the future, how do you build a productive and resourceful nation when the only thing that is in your mind is dirt and filth? You can never give what you don't have.

We the youths can change this narrative by pulling the carpet from under the legs of these wicked people that are out to rub us off our money, our destiny, and our future, how do you leave your house on fire and go to sleep? It is like saying you want to think when you remove your brain and put it in your pocket, you can not think straight because you are brainwashed, the world is very sick as it is now, our leaders have failed us, and our nation has failed us, we are the future and we can't secure the future by repeating the same old pattern that our leaders used or else, we are going to end up getting the same old result.

It is time for us to change the game for the sake of our future and our children and their children after them, we can't affect a positive change to that future by using our precious time to watch people get buck wild and naked while getting their booze on (orgy), all day long and end up coming out with millions after 3months of doing absolutely nothing productive to the nation, they are not good role models for your kids and that definitely not a good dream they are selling you and your children, they are selling your future and that of your kids away while you sit, support and cheer them on, the funny aspect is that you are the one paying for it and you don't even know it yet.

Be wise, be nice and everything will be alright. Remove your brain from your pocket and put it back on your head where it belongs and start thinking like a person that deserves a good future so help you, God.

F.I.D libraries.