

Jump Mates
It was a chilly night at 10:00 PM and Arno stood at the edge of a mountain top ready to jump. The wind howled around him as he gathered his courage but just as he was about to take the leap he heard a girl's sobbing voice.

Who's there? Arno called out.

Who's there? came the echoing reply from the other side of the mountain.

Both fell silent. After a moment Arno asked Are you... are you up here to end your life too?

Yes the girl answered her voice choked with tears. I am.

Arno took a deep breath. Before we do this can we talk for a while?

The girl hesitated then said softly Okay. My name is Isha.

They began to share their stories. Isha spoke first her voice trembling. I loved a man named Ashwin. He seemed sincere at first but he was just playing with my feelings. He wasn't honest.He was like just with me cause he wanted to have some fun for a while that's it. what's with all of you boys huh? just loving someone for fun?. Is love a fun thing as a play. like a child playing with his toy and moving to another like it already got him bored or something!.

Arno's voice was heavy with pain. Not all boys are the same as you assume them to be. I loved a girl named Ranjahna. But she is no more. don't ask me more. I can't find anything more to pull my life again forward. it's just I can't accept it anymore. Am I even alive. I can understand your pain Isha.

Both were silent for a moment lost in their memories.

I never imagined someone else could be feeling like I do Isha said quietly. It's strange to find someone who understands.

Yeah Arno agreed. I never thought I'd find someone who understands my pain.

As they continued talking they discovered many similarities in their lives and struggles. They both felt alone. Their hearts broken by those they loved.

Isn't it odd? Isha pointed.How two strangers can feel so connected in their darkest moments?

It is. Arno replied. It makes you think there might be a reason for everything.

Their conversation grew lighter and they started to share small laughs and stories feeling a strange sense of comfort.

After a while they agreed to meet. Arno stood up and walked towards the source of Isha's voice. The fog was thick and the mountain top was eerily quiet. He called out Isha? Can you hear me?

There was no response. He reached the spot where he thought she would be, but it was empty. The fog swirled around him, and he could see nothing but the dark abyss below.

Arno stood alone, looking out over the edge, feeling a profound emptiness. The connection he had felt moments ago seemed like a fleeting dream.

As he stared into the void .he realized that even in the face of their shared pain the world was still unpredictable..!

The End
© Eren