

It was as if you had wandered into a world where you belonged. Universes, parallels, and fantasies collided daily. The imagination in all its beauty was spectacularly endless.

You study an art that is dependent on pieces of you, much of which had long since burrowed itself deep into your heart. An illusion that, at first, felt as though the holes it created has already been healed. So, you hesitated. Scared of taking the step towards puncturing pieces of your healed lungs. After all, it may not be worth it...

You drink the cup of serotonin the white rabbit delicately placed within your hand, soon filling the parchment of vulnerability to the brim.

A taste of what you can do lay bare before you. A peak of a perfect rendition of who you truly are...

What once was hidden, continues to shine with each mountain you climb.

© written.in.emeralds