

I was getting boar lying on hospital bed, sometimes I felt little cosy to see the level of tolerant of other patients.
I was admitted since 6 month, little more acknowledge about fearless death.
Just being waiting for a pleasure deep sleep.
But no Idea still exists in my devil mind..
Suddenly a nurse enter in to my cabin to check the level of patients which I carry with me since long.
Mam are you ready to go for chemotherapy just call your dear one.
May be they will attend and you'll get moral support.
I was giggling like fool may be that lady new to this hospital or I was Just wake up from deep sleep.whatever..
I said her politely mam shall we go ?
I escaped myself from this stupidity feeling from since long.. if your inquiry get finished.
She was like clueless..
After the therapy they send me back to cabin.
I heared the sounds of someone else that may be some doctors who might holding my file and discussing.
I can't see them properly bt feeling weired.
Next day I asked nurse about last night.
She said one of the well known joined in our hospital, so he may came for rounding.
Suddenly a young dashing man entered my cabin that is Darpan, to whome I left in my past life. I broke his promise for silly things.
We often create the circumstances to make fun of ourselves.
He just hug me tightly.. sshhhh don't tell anything else.. keep shut up your mouth.
I just cry like baby..
I am sorry darpan.. I deserve to be here.. That fellow which I choose he left me.. I am alone..
Darpan said will you shut up for a minute..
Let me hold you tightly..
Darpan.. yar looking so handsome..
He bent down on knee on his rocking way..
He looked up at me and he laughed a little and asked me "if you don't have any problem can I take care of my soulmate".
I didn't know wheather laugh or cry to see the present scenario.. I said "yes" without any hesitation and gave as usual a bold kiss.
Seriously Darpan..you are too much..
