

A parcel from unknown
21 April, 2019
Room no. 9
11:39 A.M
Knock knock !!
A sound came from behind of the room's door. A parcel had come by quriar. There was written on the parcel that ' Happy Birthday, Can you remember me by seeing this gift? '.......
I couldn't remember anyone who could send me such surprising gift... The address was from Gujarat. With out address there was nothing written on the parcel. I opened the brown coloured parcel with fear in mind. I opened the parcel one by one. The gift was covered by many parts of paper. At last......
I could see a small box in the parcel. It was hard to open the box...... There was a golden rose shoppes with a teddy bear...... And on the teddy's back there was only written on a paper....
'' I am always with you.... I know that you couldn't find me but my soul is always with you ''
The soul, I mean one of my friend who was in a job in Gujarat..... unfortunately he died in a car accident...... 😭😭😭
He was my all power, all strength, all things..... but I lost him forever......
But my doubt is not clear still now that he was died so who send the parcel !
