

Human Life : A tic tac toe
Our whole existence is just a hit and trial.

We are always at mercy of other. Today we know what we are doing is the best way and after every fifty or hundred years we revisit and then complain, that wasn't right, but for sure this will fix it. Even our scientific inventions and advancements seems like patchy work.

Except for the basic necessities of life. Eating what nature gave us, wearing things what nature provided us and living under a roof made of natural resources.

Politically we are at mercy of the leaders we elect.
On the technological front we are at mercy of certain scientists and researchers where we just assume that at least this invention shouldn't go wrong.

Religiously we are at mercy of our own ideas and ourselves whom we are worshipping.

Our whole life is a big tic tac toe game, where we are very likely to lose whatever move we make.
