

United States Of Islam
This philosophical appraisal with caption “United States of Islam” is written with the intentions of unifying the Muslims, keeping in view the prevalent trend of the world that is, unification of states in organizations, and councils and federations to benefit from each other resources, such as one in process is European union, which is the right example of this trend. In the introduction, the incident of creation of Pakistan is made philosophical basis for the future struggle for creating unity among the Muslims. This is chosen because Pakistan is an ideological state and its birth is due to religious ideology. Then the whole philosophical appraisal is divided into six chapters and in the last, conclusion or gist of the whole study is given in the prevalent present political scenario of the world. Elelouge is also added as corollary of natural outcome of the situation discussed. Chapter 1 gives us the insight about the teachings of Islam and its preference over other religions of the world, whereas Chapter 2 elaborates the teachings of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be upon Him) about unity among the Muslims. Chapter 3 discusses the conditions of Muslims after the demise of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be upon Him) and the incidents, which were responsible for changing the meanings of Islam. Chapter 4 contains history of the different religio-philosophical schools of thoughts, which had sprung due to occurrence of differences in Islam. Chapter 5 flashes light on the ways and means which modern world is using to get unity on larger scale. These ways and means are suggested to be adopted to get unity among the Muslims, towards which most of the rationalist movements have pointed. Chapter 6 gives practical suggestions for creating unity, such as one state and the system in the state can cause this most wanted attitude, i.e. Unity among the Muslims. Whereas in the conclusion the practical effects of suggestions for unity on Muslims and on the whole world are pointed out. Elelouge is the effect of the struggle of muslim states of whole world at large. UNITED STATES OF ISLAM INTRODUCTION. CHAPTERS:Chapter 1
The Teachings of Islam as Universal Religion.
Section a
Its Causes & Effects
Section b
The Preference to other Religions. Section c
Theme & Thoughts of Islam.
Chapter 2
Islam in the Time of Prophet (Peace Be upon Him)
Section a
The Unity of Islam.
Section b
The Emphasis of Islam.
Chapter 3
Islam after the Death of Prophet (Peace Be upon Him)
Section a
Disunity of Islam.
Section b
Occurrences of Differences.
Chapter 4
Changes in the Meanings of Islam. Section a
Orthodox Schools of Thoughts. Section b
Rationalist Movements.
Chapter 5
The Need and Necessity of Unity. Section a
How to Reunite Islam.
Section b
Removal of Fractions.
Chapter 6
Proposal to One State of Islam.
Section a
One Imam (as Pope in Christianity) for the Whole Ummah.
Section b
One Ideology.
The 1940 Resolution of Lahore, known as “Lahore Resolution” or “Pakistan Resolution” says that, ”The Muslim States of Sub-Continent shall join, to become one State, which would be called Pakistan, and where Muslims of Sub-Continent will be free to have their lives according to their own calendar and culture.” After seven years of struggle, Muslims of Sub-Continent were able to bring that ideological state on the map of the world, with the name as was mentioned in Lahore Resolution, i.e. Pakistan. Now the logical journey of the ideology of Pakistan has to further continue as envisaged by Mr. Jamal ud Din Afghani as in the shape of pan Islamism. World scenario is prepared for the next step of the ideology of Pakistan because we can see European Union (and United States of America) getting the fruits of Unity. We saw a forced Union of states, which was known as Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This Union is now been broken but a Union of Muslim Regional States is the requirement of the world, especially for the world peace. Before breaking off the former Soviet Union, a Regional Co-operation organization of three regional states had been created, comprising of countries naming Pakistan, Iran and Turkey with name of RCD. The same organization which was created only for economical co-operation, its sphere was further extended to Afghanistan and to the newly freed states from Soviet Union i.e. Tajikistan, Kyrghazistan, Kazakhastan, Uzbekistan, Tukemanistan and Azer Baijan with a new nomenclature as ECO i.e. Economic Co-operation Organization.This forum of Regional states can extend their co-operation in some more fields, such as having common defense like NATO countries with single foreign policy for all states of the union. The member states can retain their individuality in the union such as the member states of European union. The Secretary General of the organization of the ECO can be replaced by Caliph of the union. Whereas Caliph can act as a nominal head of the union, similar to the king of Japan or the queen of England and primer be the head of the Govt. of the union with similar powers, as that of are given in European union to head of Government. This un` ion of the regional, geographically contiguous states can be called, as United States of Islam. The institution of Khilafat would be responsible to cement the masses and states with much more cohesive force among each other then the Pope of Christian or een President of USA. By this way, our old traditions could be clothed according to the needs of present time.

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