

Globalization: How Humans Are Useful Idiots
Globalization of today is nothing new. It’s nothing more than a modern-day version of the old colonial power system, complete with the same players and their descendants in control. They substitute military conquest and dictatorial rule with multinational corporations similar to how the IMF and World Bank were set up after WWII to help facilitate the reconstruction of European economies.

It works through underdeveloped countries that were exploited by the old colonial system and encouraged to borrow large amounts of money and open up free trade in order to persuade them to participate in the international economic community. Economic labor camps and human resource processing zones were created for the production of cheap goods for Western markets by the use of new factories and sweatshops.

Conditions were placed on the loans given that allowed multinationals and globalist financiers to infiltrate common purpose policies, thus encouraging said countries away from being independent and self-sufficient.
