

His Destiny, Alicia (part 1)
‘Rise and shine, gathering your dreams,
Wish a new ray hope to fulfill them.
Draw the dark curtains and let yourself envelop with beams.’
He received yet another note beside his bed. It’s 5:30 AM and he’s been woke up by a continuous ring of his phone.
The note was yet again a small poem along with a red rose beside it.
“Darn it’ He cursed and woke up with an irritating scowl on his face. As mentioned in the poem, he drew the curtains of his rich luxurious room, allowing the thin ray of light inside the room.
A smile formed on his face feeling refreshed and alive when he smelt the morning dew engulfing himself with the little sunrise warmth.
When he opened his eyes relishing the revitalizing energy from nature, he found another yellow note stuck on the side of the window.
With a curious and knowing look, he took it out opening the folded sheet. The paper smelt of sandalwood and lavender.
“Umm, I can recognize her enticing odor from anywhere.” He smiled to himself and opened it.
‘Like the sun giving light and warmth,
Chasing away the darkness of night,
Let the ray of hope boost our understanding henceforth.
Prepare for the day, my husband,
I’m here to give you the message of life.’
Alicia! He exclaimed.
The ever so happiness and glint in his eyes at the thought of his wife is still present even after two years of their marriage. If this is not true love, then what is!
“Young Master” He heard a knock on the door of his bedroom. He opened the door and found his butler with a tray of well assorted breakfast in his hands.
“Sir, we are given strict orders to help you get ready and get your breakfast in half an hour.” The butler said while placing the hot steaming food on the side table and went towards the closet room.
“Who gave you the orders, Carl?” He asked confused, yet he knows in his heart who has the spine to order him and his staff. But what he didn’t understand is why.
He didn’t understand what is happening.
Few minutes later, Carl, the butler, returns back into the room from the closet holding a bag of white shirt and blue jeans. Carl handed over the clothes to him along with a watch and a hat which is etched with initials ‘GA’.
GA! Initials of his and his lovely wife’s name. Garth and Alicia.
“Young Master, Madam Alicia ordered us to let you wear only these clothes and accessories. And here, you’ve got a letter.” Carl gave Garth a familiar looking yellow letter which has hints of sandalwood and lavenders.
Garth, though felt helpless for not stopping his wife from pursuing him, he felt excited too for getting to see his wife’s compassion after four months.
Four months!
Though four months sounds like nothing, but being apart from your love for four months is a hell for him and he knew that Alicia too was going through this hell.
If not for his distressed reason, then they would be together right now tumbling on his king size bed.
How much he wants to hold his Alicia again and kiss her. How much he wants to touch her and hug all her worries. How much he wants to kiss all her tears and how much he wants to be a husband whom she deserved.
But he came to know that love alone is not enough to have a good relationship with a wife, they need a bond that ties them together too which he was unable to give her.
He didn’t want to succumb to his excitement of meeting his wife again but he promised her that he would give her a chance to make him change his decision of their separation.
He placed the folded yellow letter that his butler gave on the table and went inside the bathroom to get ready.
After taking a short shower and getting dressed in the clothes that are placed on the bed he went towards the breakfast tray.
Opening the lid, the aroma of his Alicia’s cooking hit his nose in a force. Eyes filled with unshed tears, Garth took his time to eat everything on the tray enjoying the heavenly taste and pampering his taste buds.
Once done with food, he took the folded letter and opened it to see what it contains this time.
‘You must be enjoying my food I bet,
Enjoying the taste of my cooking.
Now get your butt up and come to the place we first met,
With one of my life lesson for you, I’m waiting’
Garth chuckled at his Alicia’s weird poetry skills that he was so fond of and kissed the yellow letter. Walking to the awaiting car, he was about to take the car keys from Carl but he refused to and insisted on driving letting Garth know that it was yet another order from their Madam Alicia.
“Carl, drive to Bloomsbury police station” Garth ordered to which he received a smile from his butler.
Ah! Good old days. He thought at the memory of Bloomsbury police station where he met his Alicia for the first time.
Approximately two and a half years ago, on the day of his important board meeting, he didn’t expect his favorite car to give trouble nor did he expect his second favorite to be tireless.
When his car was not starting he asked Carl to get BMW which was given for minor repairs. His butler returned after ten minutes with the news that a tire of the car is stolen.
A tire? A single tire? His thoughts confused and baffled.
‘Who would steal a single tire’ He exasperated in irritation. He was to go to the meeting immediately but both of his cars of his penthouse got into problem.
“How the hell you let someone steal something mine. I give you all salaries to do your work correctly but all the help in this house is good for nothing. My vehicles are not taken care of from time to time and look at the result today” Garth yelled at the staff and asked the Butler to sent the cars for repair and file the case of missing tire tin the police station.
It was not because he got robbed for a mere tire that he complained to the police, it’s because he doesn’t want this to be repeated by any of his staff taking this incident as an inspiration. He was trying to put everyone in their limits.
He didn’t expect any response from Chief Inspector about a mere tire but the next day he got a call from the inspector informing Garth about the CCTV footage they received where they noticed a girl taking out the tire.
Garth asked the inspector to get the girl to the police station while he was on his way there.
Of all the unexpected things that happened to him, he didn’t expect a beautiful angel who has a most innocent looking heart shape face and the deepest blue shade eyes. Her lips in a pout while arguing to the inspector about something.
Garth’s heart jolted in joy and skipped a beat at the look of the most beautiful girl he ever met. He slowly inched close to her and stood beside where she sat.
The inspector stood up in respect at his imposing stature and shook hands with Garth.
“This girl here is the one who stole the tire of your car, Sir.” The inspector piped in between, disturbing Garth’s admiration towards the girl.
“Nice to meet you, Ms. –“ He cut himself off trying to investigated the beauty’s names.
“Alicia. Alicia Taylor. And you must be the person who is trying to falsely accuse me of robbery” She gritted and pouted trying to give her best angry look which only amused Garth.
“We had the CCTV footage of you taking the tire out, you know. You are not falsely accused.” Garth said trying to hide a smile forming on his lips and took and seat beside her.
Garth couldn’t help but feel amused at the girl who’s trying to contain her angry which is obviously very adorable for him.
“Look here Mr. – Whatever you are! The deed you embossed as a robbery is actually called utilizing the resources. I saw your supposed car outside on the road from few months. When I had a flat tire, I didn’t waste the resources and the tire of available ones. I thought it was not used and left out as useless. I was just trying to use the thing to the fullest not wasting its purpose. And here I am labeled as a thief. Such an endearing people we have here!” She huffed and ran her hand into her dark waist length hair making Garth’s family Jewel fight with its owner for a release.
That was the first time he saw Alicia and fell in love with her at the first sight. Her talk, her smile, her anger, her pout, her authority, her fights, her arguments, everything about her is joy to him. He loved her no matter what she is and how she is.
End of Part 1