


Tip, top! Tip, top!... The sound of the raindrops!

Its beautiful rhythm, when it crash landed on the empty cans and buckets outside!

You could feel the sadness that swept in like a cool breeze through the windows!
Indeed... The sky also cries!

No one loved the rain like Alice did! She would sit down next to her gigantic window with a mug of hot choco on one hand whilst she stares at the leaking sky!
One thing was certain... The rain had taught her a valuable lesson!
"It's tears were magical." She thought to herself.

Though the sun would rule over almost the whole day, the sad clouds also had a chance showcase their beauty!

One, two, three! The rain drops fell! Soon it would multiply like ten thousand more, giving life to young green plants!
"Ohh, how lucky they are to have such precious gift."

Yes! The rain was that precious gift! Though in its sadness, giving rise to little happiness...
It's tears were the best incubators for these little plants.
Now you see... How precious the sad clouds are... Showering happiness to all even in sadness!

Swuoooshhhh!!! The sound of the calming breeze! Alice soon found herself deep in her fascinating imagination! She could picture her mother singing a lullaby, determined to chase her little head to sleep! She could imagine her voice... It was perfect! It was flawless with no glitches... It was like that of Celine Dion's...
And her father? He was the best! The most romantic husband and most loving father! He would play his guitar all night long... She would come up with the lyrics! After All, she was good at it!
A picture of her graduation... Her father running to the stage to take shots with her holding her plentiful gifts! Her mother serving up the best pastries to her family and friends.... There was so much laughter...so much joy!
What's that?! It's another picture... The best one yet!
There she was, being led to the alter. An arm-in-arm with her hero! Her father...
He walks her through the aisle to meet the love of her life...
Her mother... so passionate and loving, recites the most touching speech! Indeed she could see the reflection of herself in her daughter...

Alice's emotions got deeper! She was soon the sad clouds herself!
All she wanted was a family...
She didn't care if they were wealthy or not!
If only her imaginations could be reality!
Poor girl! Grew up as an orphan... In a nasty orphanage... With nasty nuns!
She still found it very hard to believe that she survived!

Should i tell you her story?..... Nah!!! 😅 let your imagination narrate every chapter!

Even in the coldest night! The darkest hour! And even in the silent cave!...
Believe in yourself! You could make it out!... you could make a difference! Just like the rain drops!!!

Feeling alone? Hear this!
"Your mirror would never judge you!"
"Your bed would always hold you!"
"Your pillow would absorb all your tears!"
"Music would always sympathize with you!"
"The sky is always there to cry with you..."

Cheer up!!! 😊

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