

DARE DEVIL : The alien strikes
This time dare devil was working for the earth 🌎 and he has five new friends and sister in his team : Devil gaurdians
and they are harinish, viswha , neitraa, lavanthika, and achtya shree
and they are good team mates and they were reserch about about the dark 🌑 moon and they were planed to go to a trip to the space through a space jet and they were prepared and they start their travel first they are going to moon for small research and they and they went to jupiter and other planets and finaly they went to neptune and they have 75% of fuel and they planed to move after neptune and they move aftwr neptune and they say saw no other planets and they are many stars and we came mote 18 miles and we plan to return we turned our ship that time it shows alert 🚨in our rader we chek all around their was a small astrod coming at our left side it will not hit...