

DARE DEVIL : The alien strikes
This time dare devil was working for the earth 🌎 and he has five new friends and sister in his team : Devil gaurdians
and they are harinish, viswha , neitraa, lavanthika, and achtya shree
and they are good team mates and they were reserch about about the dark 🌑 moon and they were planed to go to a trip to the space through a space jet and they were prepared and they start their travel first they are going to moon for small research and they and they went to jupiter and other planets and finaly they went to neptune and they have 75% of fuel and they planed to move after neptune and they move aftwr neptune and they say saw no other planets and they are many stars and we came mote 18 miles and we plan to return we turned our ship that time it shows alert 🚨in our rader we chek all around their was a small astrod coming at our left side it will not hit us we think rador is showing that astroid only we return to C47 (earth) and after few days from NASA we got a rador siginal that something has entered into the earth atmosphere and we that and it was small space ship we were shocked because it was only 10 cm height and it was landed and we were stay alert with many soildgers and many wepons and from that ship a telepotation hole 🕳open from five robots🤖🤖 came with many wepons we we're shocked🙀
and start to talk in their launage and suddenly they change their language
and they talk in our language and we asked how do you know our language💬 they said that they can talk in any language and we asked we're are you from, then for what do you came here. they said we are monster pirates and we are from planet knowwere "knowwere"we're it is captian Sam ask.. it is in the another part of the solar system and we will occupy all planets and all parents are ruled by our king matrix so you should surrender ........ and I said sorry monsters we will not surrender to you..... captian Sam said that we cant surrender so please retun. One of the monster said we can't go if you dint surrender we will make you surrender. I said hahhahhahahah shut and if you want to be alive no itself return to your planet.. what! how dare you "human " I will kill you amr he came you kill me and sam said we can kill them and we start to fight and they kill many of our soildegers and finaly we killed 4 of them and one was higly damaged and we said to him that go to your king and say that give up the plan to rule earth and he telepoted and went to his planet and he told his king 👑 and he was very angry 😤😤 and sent many space ships to C47 (earth) and he also came and we were alert and we covered C47 with a shield 🛡🛡 so they not enter earth and we dint see that telepotarion hole and from that monster came and it was in the miltray base and we got an information that monster came and we planed to destroy that telepotarion hole and many monster we killed and double amound of humans were killed and with my power ⚡⚡ I sealed that telepotarion hole and monsters were stoped to enter. And we think all problem was over but not still many monsters are their in the ship out side the earth and they dint go and they were continuely attacking the shield 🛡🛡 and every one was afraid and we got alert that the shield has becoming weak and in 3 weaks it will be destroyed and every one think that they will live only 3 weaks but it is not true I will protect earth.............................
TO BE CONTINUED ............ .....