

A Day in Life
Then she broke the seal and took the folded letter out; unfolded it and glanced at Bernard . He was eager, she could see, she smiled and then began to read.
" Hoppity doppity father! It's Christie! I know, you hate the way I start my letters, but I love them so shut up. How are you? The last letter you wrote I remember you got hit by some stupid driver who was drunk. How is the bruise now? And how is aunt Ariel? I hope she is the one who is reading this out to you. Hey aunt! I'm glad you are there for him and I know I can never say this enough but I wanna thank you for all that you have done. Love you! You know , father, I just recalled an incident which happened to me last month. My friend Reggie and I sneaked out of our hostel at night and went for a walk to the park. It was great, that atmosphere is so different at night than its during day, we both enjoyed it alot but when we were getting back it was really dark and Reggie accidentally stepped on a stray dog's tail. It started chasing is and I just ran my own way, I didn't even know where Reggie was or whether the dog was still chasing me.I was just running until I reached the hostel gates. I sneaked back to my room, too afraid to go out or to tell anyone what had happened. Reggie was found at the gate next morning; she looked like she was hit by a hurricane. She kept blabbering on and on.I felt really bad for her but I couldn't do anything, I had to run and that was all I could think about at that moment. Reggie didn't talk to me for a long time but she is now okay with it, she said she might have done the same thing, had she been in my situation. Anyways that was it for an event per letter. Everything else is as usual. My studies are going good just fine, no need to worry about those. I'm dying to know about how things are going there, write back as quickly as you can, Aunt Ariel, or should I say as quickly as father could recite? Love you loads Father - Yours Christie"
Bernard took a deep breath and sighed "Where do I even begin? These kids! They have no idea how much they trouble their parents with their nonsensical and inane activities, do they? What if something happened to her out there in the night? What if she fell or harmed herself in some way? Who would be responsible? Who would go looking for her ? Gosh! How do I even make her understand! This is her third time doing something prohibited by the authorities. What do I do about this girl?!"
Ariel wasn't listening. While Bernard was venting out she was busy looking over the letter. After she had read it twice she handed it back to him and said with a smile "Don't worry Bernie, she is your daughter, she knows exactly how to tackle life. She'll be fine, we'll write a letter making her understand some of the situations she really needs to ignore being in and she will be absolutely fine. Okay?"
Bernard was silent for a few moments; finally he nodded "Okay Ariel,if you say so. Thanks for helping me out".
"You don't need to say that Bernie and you know that. I'm always here to help". she said as she stood up ,"I'll see you in the evening then"
She turned around and was about to start walking when a voice caught her in her tracks.
"Hey! Hold up please".
Ariel swung around and saw a woman walking towards her. She was holding a pamphlet. "Hello, I'm an event organiser and our company is organising a fest here in your town, would you like to take part in it?"
"Oh yes! what is it about?" Ariel asked.
"It's a literary fest and our major event which happens to be tonight is called 'A day in Your Life'. You have to step up on a stage and talk, mind you, the whole town would be watching. You have to talk about your one day, what does one day mean to you? What value does it hold? What do you actually wanna do with a day in your life! And the one contestant who speaks the best will win a trip to a foreign destination, wherever they choose ".
"Wow that sounds amazing, I would do it" saying so Ariel filled the form carefully. Handing it to her said "Thanks. I'm Ariel by te way" with a smile.
"My name is Felicity, Good luck Ariel! The fest begins at 7 sharp,try to be there by 6. See you at the fest!" she said and walked away.
Listening to that whole conversation Bernie said, "We could do it tomorrow Ariel, The fest sounds interesting and I hope you win!"
"Thank you so much Bernie", she said smiling ," Let's see how it goes,See ya!"
She stopped down and picked up her fruit basket.Her smile faded as she started walking back home. At this point she knew three crucial things. One, the letter was not from Bernard's daughter.Two, the woman was not an event organiser and Three, she had to leave this town by nightfall or she would be as dead as hammer.

Will be continued....

© G_write$_