


Episode 1
Loud noises could be heard in the estate that has always been enveloped in silence.It appeared to be coming from the last house on the street.Sirens sounded in the distance and came closer to the house the noise was coming from.

Two vans;a white and a black van drove into the compound. Two policemen and a young man whose clothes didn't give away his identity got down from the police van and walked towards a man and a woman trying to calm a wailing lady. The man pointed to a small building.

They made their way into the building and looked around the small room to find cues to what had happened.Solomon,the gateman had died the previous night.His lifeless body was on the floor in his pool of blood.They took pictures of the scene and took some forensic evidences.Apparently the man with the two policemen was a forensic medicine expert.

Ronke,the deceased's wife kept crying and wailing. Mr & Mrs Bakre,the house owners tried their best to calm her, all to no avail.

They came out after assessing the crime scene leaving the coroners to take of the body.They walked towards the Bakre's family and ronke to ask some questions.

"Mr Bakre david,around what time did you find the dead body?" The shorter among the two policemen asked.Ronke couldn't believe her husband was referred to as a dead body.Tears kept flowing from her eyes.

"I saw it this morning when I wanted to leave for work.I called his name repeatedly and I decided to check his room when there was no answer.That was when I realized he had been stabbed." Mr Bakre answered with sadness and grief written all over his face.
"Okay Mr Bakre.We want you to follow us to our station for questioning."

Eva,one of the couple's twins jumped to the front of her father spreading her arms as wide as possible "I won't let you take my daddy away."

"We are not taking your daddy.We just want to ask him some questions. He will be back in no time." The 13 year old girl nodded to the policeman's explanation.Mr Bakre bent down and gave his daughter a peck.

"Mrs Solomon, we also want you to follow us."
Mr Bakre and Mrs Solomon entered the black van and it drove out of the compound.
Mrs Bakre continued to look at the police van till it drove out of sight-Eva clinging tightly to her while Edward,her twin brother kept staring at nothing.
* * * *
In the interrogation room,a police officer whose badge gave away his name as kolapo sat across Mr Bakre.A recorder is seen on the table that appears to separate the men.
"Mr Bakre,how long did Mr Solomon work for you before he died?"

"For six months now." Mr Bakre answered calmly.
"What kind of person was he?"
"He was an hardworking man.He was definitely better than the last one."
"The last one?" Officer kolapo asked curiously.

"Yes.The previous gateman before Solomon."
"Why did he leave?"
"He didn't.The estate security discovered he helped some armed robbers carry out an operation in a particular house in the estate.I sacked him."

"How was he caught?"
"Actually Solomon did and that was why I employed him.Solomon worked as a night guard for the estate.On a particular day, Solomon saw Linus and the armed robbers arguing about the money they stole in an uncompleted building. "

"Wasn't he arrested?"
"He was.The court asked him to pay a fine of one million or go to jail for a year.His family raised the money and bailed him."

"So are you saying Linus might have been angry that Solomon took away his job and revenged by stabbing him?"
"I never thought of it that way but he might be a suspect."

"Mr Bakre,thank you for your time.We don't know if your family is the killer's next target;Few policemen will guard your house till the killer is found.So you have nothing to worry about.Please feel free to share any information with us."

"No problem officer.Thank you."
Mr Bakre left the police station after reassuring ronke that all will be fine.The police officer ushered ronke into the dark room and asked her some questions.During the questioning, ronke made it clear that she suspected Sola,Solomon's younger brother who had threatened Solomon earlier that week.

"Why will his younger brother threaten to kill him?" Officer kolapo arched his brows.
Ronke was silent and bowed her head.
"Is there something you are not telling me ma'am? You can trust me.

©Oketola Andaline.