

Excel Hacks day 4
Hope you all have begun your excel journey. Well explaining the excel functions in writing is a little complicated. But still, I gave this a try.

So today I'll write about the SUM formula. And the different ways of sum in excel.

= (EQUAL TO): Every formula in excel will begin with this sign. I know most of you would be familiar with this fact. So let's start a discussion about the SUM formula.

1. =Sum(A1+A2+D4+E8)
This is one form which you can use for sum. Just write =Sum then insert bracket (instead of bracket you can use Tab key as well) and select the cell of which you want sum.

2. =A1+F5+G6 and so on. So this is our second option. Just select the cells using the + sign.

Note: These cell addresses are just a random collection to show that these options will be better to use when your data is scattered i.e. not set in serial sequence. Then these options can be used. Because they don't require range reference. What they require is the cell address. For short data, it may work but if there is long data then each time giving cell address might be boring.

3. =sum(select the range where you want to apply sum formula). These brackets are part of the formula. So it will make your work easy.

4. Another option to sum when your data is in continuation. First, select the data and then use Alt=. It will automatically give you sum.

5. =Sumif(range, criteria, sum range).
This is something complicated. Sum if formula will help you to get sum in conditional situations. Like you have a list of your company employees along with their departmental function and region. And you want the total salary of employees working in the south region. So here sum if will do the work for you.

To use this formula write =sumif( and click on formula bar i.e. Fx sign. Fx will open a dialogue box for you. Where you have to fill in 3 details.

a) Range: As per the above example range will be column D i.e. region. So just click on D and select the entire column.

b) Criteria: Here our criteria is the South region. So just type south here.

c) Sum range: Now excel is saying that gives me the range where you have to write salaries. So here select column F.

In this way, you can use sum if. I have covered this formula just by one example. And there are other ways also. So now these other ways are homework for my readers. In the comments section tell me in what other ways the sum if formula can be used.

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