

Sudden money, Sudden love. Episode 3
'Ah, ah' I mutter silently under my breath as I walk home, what have I done, what have I done.
I thought about staying at a friend's place but I have none, and our family friends place is too far. There's also the fear that everybody changes at the sight of money, what ever I plan on doing I can't hide it from my parents, would I rather they find out from me or from a third party. It's even to late for that now since I've already sent them a message.
I sighed sitting upright on my bed, I thought having money would help relieve stress but it seems to bring it's own brand of problems. The only saving grace I have right now is that they are not yet back but they would be back sooner or later and I can't keep on ignoring them. I looked at my phone as it continues to ring but I was unable to answer for the fear of what they would say to me, I stood up from the bed to walk round my room and I sat down almost immediately when I realize that it would just make me more worried don't know how people do it to relieve worry though.
I heard their voice before I saw them, they called my name and I knew I couldn't ignore them no more, so I took one step after the other and I stood in front of the door for easy exit even when i know I wouldn't be able to run away.
"Why have you been ignoring our calls?"
I apologised silently waiting for their decision knowing it would involve keeping the money but then my parents are not always predictable.

© maryann_t