

continuation of chapter 2
Chapter 2

Damion took his medical bag and looked at his wife pain stricken face and his heart was heavy and he knew then and there that he lost her and he no longer had anything more to live for. He was gone and Stacy could not bear to see him go but he had betrayed her and she had to let him go for her sake and her sanity she had to let him go, her brother held her close and he was very sad because even thou he loved his sister and was angry at Damion for some strange reason he believed every word that Damion spoke and he had to get to the bottom of this because he knew something that Stacy didn't know that Toya was in love with Damion all these years, she had fancy him and wanted him and he's now wondering if his twin sister had finally gotten what she wanted.

Christiana Toya Crane was loving the idea that things were going the way she planned she had been in loved with Damion for years and never understood why he choose her sister yes she feels somewhat remorseful that her sister loves her so much and she betrayed her but Stacy would forgive her she always have always will. Even when they were younger she always wanted the same things as her siblings or better and Damion was one of it, he was the perfect man in everyway but only if he could love her. But she was pregnant for him and he had no choice but to let his wife know and then they will get an divorce and she will be there with outstretched hands waiting but she knew Damion love for his wife was unbreakable. Toya heard the bell to her pent house door ran so she walk as diligently to the door and open it and to her surprise it was her twin brother the 'freak show' that's what she taught of him, She always knew he was Stacy favourite, she told him,her whatever he called himself everything; she rolled her eyes when she gesture him inside. Tony was by far impressed by his sister wicked action of fulfilling this stupid fantasy she has with her sister husband. It has been a week since he last saw Damion and he had to find him as soon as possible.

Toya: What seems to bring you here dear brother I hope it's a friendly visit and not one of your lectures.

Tony: Has If you don't have an idea, I wonder who you got your wicked ways from dear sister; I can't believe where related to each other and you would stoop so cheap and low as to sleep with your sister husband and not only that get pregnant by him. Your classless

Toya: So what! Your sure it isn't Electra speaking and not Toni, plus that's non of your dam business he was mine in the first place I liked him first in school and because I told my friend Pagan that he loved my sister and she was ranting off to some girls and that's how Stacy overheard that he liked her and she made her move.

Toni: And how did you know that he liked her anyways.

Toya: He told me so when I was about to tell him I like him and he couldn't stop drooling when he mentioned her name I was so jealousy and angry and felt betrayed.

Toni: Why? That's a very cruel thing to do, to your sister.

Toya: Never my intention to harm her but such is life you win some you loose some and I'm winning. Stop being a basic bitch brother or should I say sister instead.

Toni: Well for your information I'm not planning on being Electra anymore I've been accepted into the marines and I'm planning to tell dad about it.

Toya: oh I see what a freak show you would be to all the boys in the army with your pretty little face and tight ass. They would surely make you into there bitch.

Toni: Whatever wicked witch of hell I'm twice the woman you will ever be and still be a better man too. What you going to say to your parents about this mess.

Toya: Nothing I'm not apologising for anything mom and dad are heading over here has we speak and so I'm going to tell them first and then later I will drop by Stacy to give her a sisterly chat.

Tony: dispecable! Obnoxious bitch!

Toya: Has if I care about what you have to say my only worries are about what mom and dad will say, once they understand and pick up for me nothing matters.

Tony: I think your getting mad

The door bell rang and it was Mr and Mrs crane: Mrs Crane was an elegant beautiful dark skin black woman hair as black as midnight with thick curly hair and beautiful grey eyes with a narrow face, cheeks as sunny and lips as fierce as a lion roar. Her husband was a tall white man emerald eyes and nose straighter than a ruler, he was 6'1 and very handsome he looked like a sculptured God no wonder there kids was so gorgeous. They step into their daughter house and the minute the door closed they let Toya had it.

Mrs Crane: How dear you! What the hell were you thinking about messing with your sister husband I didn't raise any whore. Bringing shame to our family how will this look when everybody hear about this nasty scandal you got yourself in.

Mr Crane: I knew you were always a little jealous of your sister but I never knew you would take it this far.

Toya: What the hell any of you know he was suppose to be mine and I took the advantage and I would do it again if I have to, she can just give him a divorce and let me have him.

Mr Crane: She filed for an divorce

Toya: That's good news

Mrs Crane: Yes for you but it's not for us, nobody knows where to find Damion that's why where here to see if you have any idea of his whereabouts.

Toya: What? he's missing! why would I tell you where he is when you never liked him.

Mrs Crane: Where did you get that stupid idea from we've always accepted him not because you didn't get along doesn't mean we didn't like him and we still do, because we need to hear his side.

Toya: There's nothing to hear I'm pregnant for him what else do you want to hear mother.

Mr Crane: Shut your filthy mouth we know you; your sister never saw past you, but where your parents and we know how you can be very manipulated you use to do it to us pinned us against each other until we figure out what you were doing. And has your father I believe you did something.

Toya: Dad how could you say such things about me, he seduce me and all I did was to give in. Get out mom and dad I don't know where he is and this conversation is over.

Mrs Crane: Before we go your sister wants to see you this evening at 6pm sharpe.

Toni: Mom wait on me I need to look for Damion I might know where he is.

Both parents: Ok

They all left Toya house and she was raging with anger but she decided it was time to visit her sister and confront her once and for all.
© Keryiann Mcneil